
  • 网络mid-Atlantic;mid-Atlantic region
  1. 于是我开始在中大西洋地区往来,拍摄这些倒闭的商场。

    So I started to travel around the mid-Atlantic region filming these dead malls .

  2. 两种小龙虾都天然出现在中大西洋地区,不过最近小龙虾的养殖在此地有所发展。

    Both species of crawfish occur naturally in the Mid-Atlantic region , but crawfish farming is a very recent development here .

  3. 他在2003年被选为美国商会关于中大西洋地区的政治顾问。

    He was elected President of the American Association of Political Consultants'Mid-Atlantic chapter in2003 .

  4. 结果,德国不再被视为欧洲苍穹里的恒星了,更不用说在中大西洋地区徘徊不前。

    As a result , Germany was no longer perceived as a fixed star in the European firmament , let alone stolidly in mid-Atlantic .

  5. 新泽西通常被划分在美国的中大西洋地区,亦为东部的一个州,也可以划分为东北部区域下。

    New Jersey is often divided in the U.S.Mid-Atlantic region , but also the eastern part of a state , can be divided into north-eastern region under .

  6. 星期二下午在中大西洋大部分地区发出了洪水警告和警戒消息。

    Flood warnings and watches were in effect Tuesday afternoon for much of the Mid-Atlantic region .