
  • 网络restaurant;Chinese Restaurant
  1. 我们在去中国餐馆的路上看到了AdamWest然后就跟着他

    We were on our way to the Chinese restaurant when we thought we saw Adam West , so we followed him .

  2. 主打中国餐馆点评和团购服务的美团和大众点评,以及在线零售商当当网,都已经为iPhone用户推出了兼容ApplePay的最新版APP。

    Chinese restaurant review and group buying services Meituan and Dazhongdianping and online retailer have also made Apple Pay-compatible versions of their apps available to iPhone users .

  3. HowtotranslatetheOlympicmenu奥运菜单参考中文翻译:中国餐馆在翻译菜单方面左右为难:是按照字面生动的翻译还是简单的迎合西方风格?

    China 's restaurateurs ponder how to translate their menus into English : graphic literal description , or toned down for western tastes ?

  4. 现在许多中国餐馆做出的反应是,骄傲地吹嘘他们在烹调中不用MSG。

    Many Chinese restaurants , in response , now proudly tout themselves as MSG-free .

  5. 中国餐馆综合症是流行用语,指有些人声称的在进食了含增强鲜味的味精(monsodiumglutamate,或简称MSG)之后所产生的过敏或不良反应。味精被广泛用于食品加工,也被添加到许多亚洲菜肴中。

    Chinese restaurant syndrome is the popular slang for allergies or adverse reactions that some people claim they get after eating food containing the flavour-enhancer monsodium glutamate , or MSG , that is widely used in many processed foods and also added to many Asian dishes .

  6. 在那家中国餐馆里,你就这样用手扇。

    You moved your hand like that at that Chinese restaurant .

  7. 请你告诉我中国餐馆在哪里?

    Would you tell me where the Chinese restaurant is ?

  8. 现在,我的父母在纽卡斯尔开有一家中国餐馆。

    Now my parents own a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle .

  9. 只是知道他在附近的一家中国餐馆做事。

    She only knows he works in a restaurant here .

  10. 那里有很多中国餐馆,连中国超市都有,

    Here there are dozens of Chinese restaurants and even Chinese supermarkets .

  11. 而我的新工作在一家中国餐馆。

    And my new job is in a Chinese restaurant .

  12. 在过两栋建筑物就有一间不错的中国餐馆。

    There is a good Chinese restaurant two blocks down .

  13. 那个美国人喜欢在中国餐馆用餐。

    The American enjoyed having meals in the Chinese restaurant .

  14. 电梯中国餐馆监狱和出租车

    With elevators and Chinese restaurants and crime and traffic .

  15. 他常去伦敦的一家中国餐馆。

    He often went to a Chinese restaurant in London .

  16. 他倾其所有投资一家中国餐馆。

    He invested all his money in a Chinese restaurant .

  17. 这是中国餐馆,而你不是中国人。

    This Chinese restaurant . you 're not chinese .

  18. 于是我们将他带到了我们最喜欢的中国餐馆。

    We took him to our favourite Chinese restaurant .

  19. 杰克:它也是一家中国餐馆吗?

    Jake : Is it a Chinese restaurant too ?

  20. 这不是让你在中国餐馆的点菜,白痴。

    This ain 't no Chinese menu , jagoff .

  21. 梅带比尔去了一家中国餐馆。

    Mei takes Bill out to a Chinese restaurant .

  22. 这个周末想不想去新开的中国餐馆吃吃看?

    Do you want to check out the new Chinese restaurant this weekend ?

  23. 中国餐馆成为中国文化的一种象征。

    And Chinese restaurant can be the symbol of the culture of China .

  24. 这家中国餐馆就在皇后大街的拐角处。

    The Chinese restaurant is right at the corner of the Queen Street .

  25. 在中国餐馆里,你看见的就是你得到的。

    In a Chinese restaurant , what you see is what you get .

  26. 这是城里最好的中国餐馆。

    This is the best Chinese restaurant in town .

  27. 还有一天他们去了香格里拉中国餐馆。

    Another night they went to Shangri-La Chinese Cuisine .

  28. 中国餐馆离这里多远?

    How far is the Chinese restaurant from here ?

  29. 这家酒店里有中国餐馆吗?

    Is there a Chinese restaurant in the hotel ?

  30. 欢迎(谢谢)拨打中国餐馆在线订购电话,有什么需要帮助么?

    Thank you for calling Order-By-Number Chinese Restaurant , how can I help you ?