
  • 网络unionpay;China UnionPay;CUP;Union Pay;chinapay
  1. 中国银联垄断了银行卡领域,其手握Applepay进入中国的钥匙,而且几乎肯定会提出苛刻条件。

    UnionPay , the card processing monopoly in China , holds the keys for Apple Pay and will almost surely play tough .

  2. 不过,在2010年Visa和中国银联之间发生争端之后,这类信用卡基本上已停发。

    But these cards were largely halted after a dispute between Visa and UnionPay in 2010 .

  3. 此外在去年12月,苹果(Apple)和三星(Samsung)分别宣布与中国银联合作,在中国推出自己的支付系统。

    Meanwhile , in December , Apple and Samsung each announced partnerships with China UnionPay to bring their payment systems to China .

  4. 持有中国银联卡的用户可以将银行卡与iPhone,AppleWatch或者iPad绑定来启用支付功能。

    China UnionPay cardholders will be able to add their bank cards to Apple Pay on iPhone , Apple Watch and iPad to enable the function .

  5. 苹果(Apple)与中国银联(UnionPay)及15家中国银行达成了一项人们期待已久的协议,将在中国推出其移动支付业务。

    Apple has struck a long-awaited deal with UnionPay and 15 Chinese banks to launch its mobile payments service in China .

  6. 在此之前,所有人民币支付都必须通过中国银联(ChinaUnionPay)完成结算。中国银联是由中国央行建立的一个支付网络,目前归85家银行所有,其中多数是国有控股银行。

    Previously , all renminbi payments had to be cleared through China   UnionPay , a network created by the central bank and now owned by 85 mostly state-owned banks .

  7. 分析师们阴郁地表示,问题可能出在具有政府背景的银行卡垄断公司——中国银联(Unionpay)身上。

    Analysts say darkly that the problem may be with Unionpay , the government bank card monopoly .

  8. 据《环球时报》报道,今年五月Visa叫停中国银联海外结算通道,受到了中美两国媒体的广泛关注,但Visa最近却在这个问题上出奇地沉默。

    After making major headlines in China and the US with its call in May to stop using UnionPay , Visa has become strangely mum on the issue , the Global Times reported .

  9. 信用卡接受:美国运通卡、大莱卡、JCB卡、万事达卡、维萨卡和所有中国银联卡。

    Credit Cards accepted : Amercian Express , Diners , JCB , Mastercard , Visa Cards and all China UnionPay Cards .

  10. 这家科技巨头公司正式与中国银联强强联手。

    The tech giant is teaming up with Chinese bankcard association UnionPay .

  11. 现代建筑:中国银联上海信息处理中心

    Modern architecture : China yinlian Shanghai Information Treatment Centre

  12. 沉静之美&中国银联上海信息中心

    China Unionpay Shanghai Information Switching Centre

  13. 不仅如此,中国银联还通过与境外机构合作发行银联卡,让外国人用中国标准的银联卡。

    Besides , CUP also cooperated with oversea institutions to issue standard China UnionPay cards to foreigners .

  14. 2010年以前,许多银行曾发行双货币信用卡,卡上同时带有中国银联和外国支付运营商的标识。

    Before 2010 , many banks issued dual-currency credit cards with both a UnionPay and a foreign logo .

  15. 塞尔福里奇高端百货连锁公司已开始接受中国银联卡付款,银联卡是一种只能在中国国内使用的信用卡。

    The Selfridges chain of high end department stores has started accepting China UnionPay cards , the domestic credit card only available in China .

  16. 对传统银行卡业务具有替代作用的新兴支付渠道的迅速兴起,给银行卡传统业务和中国银联的市场地位带来很大挑战。

    Emerging payment which may replace traditional bank card , with rapid development of challenges greatly the traditional businesses of bank card and market place of China Unionpay .

  17. 多家支付企业推出移动支付战略和相关产品,中国银联和三大电信运营商也纷纷布局移动支付市场。

    Many payment companies launched mobile payment strategies and related products , China UnionPay and the three major telecom operators also entered mobile payment market one after another .

  18. 苹果公司在去年12月和中国银联正式宣布了一项合作,将会引入苹果支付,而这项移动支付将会在2016年尽早与中国消费者见面。

    Apple and China UnionPay announced a partnership in last December to bring Apple Pay , a mobile payment solution to its Chinese customers as soon as early 2016 .

  19. 星期五,苹果公司和中国银联宣布合作,将于明年在中国推出“苹果支付”--美国科技巨头为其中国用户提供的移动支付解决方案。

    Apple and China UnionPay announced a partnership on Friday to bring Apple Pay , a mobile payment solution provided by the US tech giant , to its Chinese customers next year .

  20. 2005年底中国银联四川分公司正式成立,承接了成都市银行卡联网通用平台,对进一步完善平台功能、改善联网通用和加快产业发展起着重要的积极作用。

    At the end of 2005 , China unionpay of Sichuan branch was officially established in Chengdu , undertake the network platform to improve the general functions and speed up the industrial development .

  21. 为巩固传统业务地位,发展创新业务,提升对相关各方的服务价值,增强市场竞争力,中国银联在原有服务系统基础上,研发投产二代综合服务系统。

    Based on original service system , UnionPay produces the Second Generation Comprehensive Service System to enforce the status of traditional business , develop innovation business , improve the service value about relevant-parties and enhance market competitiveness .

  22. 中国银联作为银行卡联合组织,发挥其标准制定、转接清算、市场规范、风险防范、银行卡民族品牌的建设和维护等职能作用,推动银行卡产业实现了跨越式发展。

    As a Bank Card Association , UnionPay plays an important role in many aspects , like making standards , transferring liquidation , regulating market standards , preventing the risk , constructing and maintaining consciousness of being a national brand .

  23. 苹果宣布与中国银联,以及包括工商银行在内的15家银行合作,银联也一直希望独霸阿里巴巴和腾讯。

    It has partnered up with UnionPay , which itself has been brooding about the dominance of Alibaba and Tencent in mobile payment , as well as 15 major lenders , including the nation 's largest , the Industrial and Commerce Bank of China .

  24. 中国银联可能滥用其在基础网络业务领域的市场支配地位,排除、限制竞争性业务领域的竞争。

    It should be noted that the Anti-monopoly Law supervision is mainly targeted at possible monopolistic conducts implemented by China UnionPay . China UnionPay may abuse its dominant market position in the basic network business to eliminate or restrict competition in the competitive business .

  25. 银行卡的普遍使用并不仅仅是对现金支付的替代,其对消费增长从而对经济增长有促进作用;中国银联成立以来,推动了境内银行卡产业规模的快速扩张。

    The widespread use of bank cards is not just an alternative to cash payment , which plays an important role in promoting the consumption and economic growth . The establishment of China UnionPay has promoted the rapid expansion of the scale of the domestic bank card industry .

  26. 这家位于伦敦圣詹姆斯(StJames)地区的标志性酒店表示,它为了增加东方人的生意而引入了中国的银联支付系统,从而使得过去只能支付现金的中国客人数量在去年增加17%。

    The iconic St James hotel said the number of Chinese guests , who used to pay in cash , increased by 17 per cent last year after it introduced a Chinese credit card payment system in an effort to boost eastern trade .

  27. 和其他奢侈品店一样,哈罗德百货商店里也可以使用中国的银联卡结账了,这使得中国游客可以用人民币直接结算。

    Harrods , like many luxury stores , now takes the CUP or China Union Pay card , which allows Chinese customers to see and complete the transaction in their own currency .

  28. 由于苹果不准备与银联展开直接竞争,因此控制了中国国内交易的银联给苹果让出的收入,可能会低于苹果在其他地区由于万事达卡、Visa卡、美国运通和Discover多家竞争获得的收入。

    While Apple isn 't trying to compete directly with Unionpay , the monopoly controls transactions in China and likely won 't give Apple the same slice of revenues the company may receive elsewhere where Mastercard , Visa , American Express , and Discover compete against each other .

  29. 2月25日中国电信与中国银联股份有限公司签署新系统网络通信电路租用协议。

    25 february , China Telecom and China UnionPay co. , Ltd formally signed the new system network communications lines lease agreement .

  30. 这家美国技术行业巨头在周一的一份声明中表示,中国用户现在可以使用中国银联卡在AppStore中购买商品。

    The United States technology giant said in a Monday statement that Chinese users could now use China UnionPay cards to buy items in the App Store .