
  • 网络Chinese Expeditionary Force;China Expeditionary Force;Burma Campaign;C.E.F.;ExpeditionCN
  1. 略论中国远征军入缅作战的历史地位从精英循环的角度看科举制度的历史功用

    Analyzing the Historical Functions of Imperial Examination System From the Viewpoint of Elite Circulating in a society

  2. 再论中国远征军第一次入缅抗战失利的原因

    Additional Review of Causes of the Chinese Expeditionary Forces ' First Battles Lost in Burma during the Anti-Japanese War

  3. 世界反法西斯战争中的重要一役&中国远征军的滇缅作战

    One the important battle of the world war against facism & forces for expedition 's fight in Dian and Myanmar

  4. 其极好的藉口就是拖住或延缓中国远征军“向缅甸方面转用兵力,策应南方军之作战”。

    Their best excuse was to delay Chinese expedictionary army " to shift forces to myanmat and support by coordinated action fighting of the South troops of japan " .

  5. 1942年至1945年中国远征军入缅抗日是东方反法西斯战争和中国抗日战争的重大战略行动之一。

    The Chinese expeditionary army went into Burma , resisted against Japanese aggression from 1942 to 1945 , that is an important strategy action of the war of anti-fascist in Eastern and resistance against Japanese aggression in China .