
  1. 中国达人秀,ITV本土西门克威尔电视秀的中国版,每集收视高达4亿。

    China 's Got Talent , a local versionof Simon Cowell 's ITV hit , has seen viewers top 400 million an episode .

  2. 谈谈电视节目“中国达人秀”。

    Talk about the TV reality show " China 's got talent " .

  3. 她也是《中国达人秀》第5季的评委。

    She was also a judge on the 5th season of reality show " China 's Got Talent . "

  4. 但是,与国外成熟的选秀节目相比,《中国达人秀》在产业链打造上还存在着诸多问题。

    However , compared with mature foreign talent show ," Talent Show " in the big morning of the industrial chain there are still many problems .

  5. 在《中国达人秀》整个季中,那些催人泪下的瞬间,让见识到了伊能静的煽情功力。

    In the first season of China 's Got Talent , we 've encountered Yi 's ability to emotionalize people – the tear-jerking moments and all .

  6. 49岁的苏珊大妈此次是首次来华,她身着一袭粉红长裙,令全场观众眼前一亮,她本人也为参加今年《中国达人秀》总决赛而感到欣喜不已。

    Donning an electric pink dress , the49-year-old was charmed to be part of this year ` s China ` s Got Talent season finale on her first visit to China .

  7. 热门选手来自“中国达人秀”电视节目,无臂钢琴演奏者刘伟赢得了这场比赛,他将会于明年一月在澳大利亚,意大利和法国表演。

    Popular contestants from the'China 's Got Talent'TV show , including armless piano player Liu Wei who won the competition , will perform in Austria , Italy and France from January next year .

  8. 西方授权本土制作兼具异国情调和(中国)当地审美。歌曲比赛类尤其受欢迎:中国达人秀,中国好声音和X音素(激情唱响)均已登陆(中国市场)。

    Locally produced versions of western franchises combine the sheen of the exotic withthe familiarity of local aesthetics . Singing competitions are especially popular : China 's Got Talent , The Voice of China and a version of The X Factor ( China 's Strongest Voice ) have all been major hits .