
zhōnɡ ɡuó huà
  • the Chinese language
  • Chinese
中国话 [zhōng guó huà]
  • [Chinese] 中国人的语言,特指汉语

  1. 亲爱的读者,当你读完了这篇文章,恐怕和我一样,认为作者是误解了中国话而得出了错误结论。

    Readers , you may share my view that the author has misunderstood the Chinese language here and jumped to the wrong conclusions .

  2. 他援用了一些中国话来解释他的论点。

    He quoted some old Chinese sayings to illustrate his points .

  3. 我也很想知道片中的“Skadoosh!”用中国话怎么说。

    And I 'd love to know what the Chinese word for " Skadoosh !" is .

  4. 他的父母见小孩会说中国话,好高兴。

    His parents were delighted to hear their son speaking chinese .

  5. 我肯定能找到一个会说中国话的靓妞的。

    I 'll find a nice girl who can speak chinese .

  6. 明学说中国话,朋友遍天下。天见。

    Learn Chinese and make friends everywhere ! See you tomorrow .

  7. 如果你想学中国话,我将随时帮助你。

    WeIcome to our country , you can call me anytime .

  8. 因为你会说中国话,才让你负责这事的。

    Since only you can speak chinese , you take charge .

  9. “干杯”这是中国话的干杯。

    Ganbei ! That means " bottom up " in chinese .

  10. 他听起来以为古费拉克在说中国话。

    It seemed to him that Courfeyrac was speaking Chinese .

  11. 我们有六位美籍教师。他们都不会说中国话。

    We have six American teachers , who can 't speak Chinese .

  12. 把目光投向中国话轮转换技巧剖析

    Turn Eyes to China Analysis of Turn - taking Skills

  13. 他的中国话讲得很流利,他在这里有很多朋友。

    He can speak good Chinese . He has many friends here .

  14. 我对于我一点也不知道中国话感到非常的悲哀。

    I feel sad because I do not know Chinese at all .

  15. 最后别忘了我们的口号:学说中国话,朋友遍天下。

    Lastly , don 't forget our motto-Learn Chinese and have friends everywhere .

  16. 帮帮忙好吧,你们可以先用中国话交谈吗?

    Do me a favor , would you please talk in Chinese first ?

  17. 难道我刚才说的是一直中国话吗?

    Was I speaking in Chinese till now ?

  18. 我交一些会中国话的韩国朋友来帮助我学习韩语!

    I would like some Chinese , Korean friends to help me learn Korean !

  19. 一个英国人,不会说中国话,有一次在中国旅行。

    An English man who could not speak Chinese was once travelling in China .

  20. 我愿意教大家学习北京话、中国话!

    I am willing to teach them to learn from Beijing dialect , Mandarin !

  21. 您那里有人会说中国话吗?

    Is there anyone there who speaks chinese ?

  22. 中国话我自然会说。

    Of course I can speak Mandarin .

  23. 你中国话比他说得棒。

    You speak Chinese better than he .

  24. 我愿意帮助您学习最标准的中国话(普通话)和中国文化。

    I would like to help you to learn the best Mandarin and Chinese culture .

  25. 你会讲中国话吗?不,我不会讲中国话。

    Can you speak Chinese ? No , I can 't ( speak Chinese ) .

  26. 他会讲一些中国话。他的讲话简明中肯。

    He can speak some Chinese . His speech was short and to the point .

  27. 克文:他会说中国话吗?

    Kevin : can he speak chinese ?

  28. 他们只会说中国话。

    They can only speak Chinese .

  29. 我拒绝说中国话!

    I refuse to speak Chinee !

  30. 我说中国话和英语。

    I speak Chinese and English .