- 网络National Institute of Metrology;Nim

This paper briefly describes the principle , structure and performances of the national primary standard manometer built at the NIM in 1986 . It covers a pressure range of 0 to 120 kPa with the total uncertainty ( 3 σ) of 2 ppm .
Brief commentary on the vacuum standards of NIM
The current advance on the phase noise measurement in the frequency domain in NIM (?) s presented . THe performance of the system is described .
The realization of 74 cm fountain of atomic clouds , obtaining fluorescence signal of time of flight with S / N ~ 200 , on NIM4 # laser cooling - Cs atomic fountain clock is described .
1-V and 10-V Josephson junction series array voltage standards have been investigated at National Institute of Metrology ( NIM ), P.R. China in order to establish the national legal primary voltage standard .
Some standards of laser power and energy at NIM are summarized .
Direct and Indirect Comparisons of Josephson Junction Array Voltage Standards Between BIPM and NIM
The quantum hall resistance standard in NIM
A standard measuring apparatus of optical fiber refractive index profiles and geometric parameters has been established in NIM .
The measuring equipment used in the calibration is traceable to national primary standards maintained in National Institute of Metrology ( NIM ) .
A set of standard quartz transducers with impedance matching units is developed at NIM to be used as an ultrasonic power transfer standard .
The FB-1 gauge had been used as a transfer gauge for comparison among the vacuum standards in MIN and the preliminary result was satisfactory .
This new principle has been applied to the establishment of the NIM conductivity standards for nonferrous metals . The total uncertainty is about 0.06 %
The design principle and experimental results of a new voltage multiplier for the power measurement standard with a low power factor in NIM are described .
In present paper the apparatus and techniques used in NIM for realization of International Practical Temperature Scale of 1968 from 0 ℃ to 630 ℃ are described .
Now a more academic value , also more difficult measurement called the absolute radiation thermometer has been adopted and established firstly in National Institute of Metrology P.R.China .
The CW radiation at six wavelengths has been observed simultaneously in a He-Ne laser tube developed in the NIM Using wide band reflecting mirrors with a reflection coefficient of 99.95 % .
The image reconstructed by PC passes the object test standards . The authentication of the National Institute of Metrology is obtained . It acquires high practical value and can be applied in the practical Voyage Data Recorder .
An intercomparison of RF voltage standards between the NIM of China and the PTB of West Germany was carried out in Beijing , in July 1986 . The results show that the RF voltage standards of the two countries are in good agreement .
The intercomparison of microwave power standards and microwave impedance standards between the National Institute of Metrology of China and the Electrotechnical Laboratory of Japan was carried out in Tokyo , April 1982 . Results show that these standards are in good agreement in the two countries .