
  • Chinese Tea;China tea;black tea
  1. 我热爱大自然和中国茶文化,所以我真的很想去喝一杯茶,再看看那里的美景。

    I love nature and Chinese tea culture , so I really want to drink a cup of tea and see the beautiful sights there .

  2. 那是印度茶还是中国茶?

    Is that indian tea or chinese tea ?

  3. 只要给我喝点中国茶,我肯定就能立马活力四射。

    If I can have a bit3 of Chinese tea , I 'm sure I 'll feel as fresh as a daisy .

  4. ASP技术在中国茶主题网关建设中的应用

    Application of ASP Technology in the Construction of Chinese Tea SIG

  5. 中国茶文化与茶树栽培简史

    A biref history of Chinese tea 's cultivation and tea culture

  6. 为什么不是其他中国茶有类似的健康提供物业?

    Why don 't other Chinese teas have similar health-giving properties ?

  7. 谁的朋友喜欢早上喝中国茶?

    Whose friends like to drink Chinese tea in the morning ?

  8. 中国茶文化的活化石&擂茶

    On Grinding Tea , a Living Fossil in Chinese Tea Culture

  9. 这个周末去中国茶屋怎么样?

    What about going to Chinese Tea House this weekends ?

  10. 卡卡,你是要咖啡还是中国茶?

    Would you like coffee or Chinese tea , KaKa ?

  11. 中国茶文化遗产景观及法律保护

    Landscape and Legal Protection of Chinese Tea Culture Heritage

  12. 格雷伯爵茶,是一种受欢迎的中国茶,有特殊香味。

    Earl Grey a popular type of Chinese tea with a special flavour .

  13. 中国茶是三千多年前传入西方国家的。

    Chinese tea to the western three thousand years .

  14. 中国茶深受世界人民的喜爱。

    Chinese tea enjoys popularity all over the world .

  15. 请为我们加一些中国茶。

    Some more Chinese tea for us , please .

  16. 中国茶文化对茶类包装设计的影响

    Influence of Chinese Tea Culture on Tea Packaging Design

  17. 乾隆皇帝茶诗与中国茶文化

    Tea Poets of Qianlong and The Culture of Tea

  18. 中国茶医学科技文献研究

    Study on Literatures of Tea Medicine in China

  19. 中国茶产品贸易与绿色壁垒问题研究

    Research on Chinese Tea Trade and Green Barrier

  20. 我们欲购中国茶。

    736 We want to purchase Chinese tea .

  21. 出产的铁观音以其品质优良,味道香醇,被誉为中国茶中的精品。

    Tieguanyin tea produced here is widely known for its good quality and sweet fragrance .

  22. 你想要中国茶还是英国茶?

    You want Chinese or English tea ?

  23. A你知道我在哪里可以找到卖中国茶的好商店吗?

    A Do you know where I can find a good shop for Chinese tea ?

  24. 你爷爷喜欢喝中国茶,不是吗?-是的,他喜欢。

    Your grandfather likes green tea , doesn 't he ? Yes , he does .

  25. 喝中国茶可是没有人加糖的。

    Well , I do . I can 't drink tea without sugar in it .

  26. 我宁愿要一杯中国茶,如果你不介意的话。

    I 'd rather have a cup of Chinese tea if you don 't mind .

  27. 17-18世纪中国茶在英国

    The Chinese Tea in Britain during 17 ~( th ) and 18 ~( th ) Centuries

  28. 我想来杯中国茶,谢谢你。

    Thank you . I 'd very much like to have a cup of Chinese tea .

  29. 给我一美元,就让你喝一杯中国茶。

    Give me a ducat , I 'll let you have a cup of Chinese tea .

  30. 中国茶、柠檬茶、加冰的茶

    China , lemon , iced tea