
  1. 中国航空母舰已完成训练及海上试验。

    China 's aircraft carriers have completed training and sea trials .

  2. 中国航空母舰辽宁舰首次靠泊青岛某军港。

    Chinese aircraft carrier , the Liaoning , has anchored for the first time in its military port in Qingdao .

  3. 据《燕赵晚报》报道,中国航空母舰“辽宁号”的一个模型,于日前在河北省石家庄市的一所大学进行展出。

    A model of Chinese aircraft carrier the " Liaoning " has been put on display at a college in Shijiazhuang , Hebei Province , reports Yanzhao Evening News .

  4. 尽管钱利华未提及美国,但他刻意将中国航空母舰可能的用途与美国海军11艘航空母舰进行了对比。

    Though he did not mention the US , maj Gen Qian pointedly contrasted the function of a possible Chinese vessel with the way the US Navy uses its 11 carriers .

  5. 但他补充表示,美方将愿意与中国的航空母舰合作。

    But he added that the US would be willing to work with Chinese aircraft carriers .

  6. 中国的航空母舰是数十年来中国政府努力实现武装现代化的基石。

    Chinese aircraft carriers are the cornerstone of a multidecade effort by Beijing to modernize its forces .

  7. 中国发展航空母舰,对于建设强大海军和维护海上安全具有深远意义。

    China 's development of an aircraft carrier has a profound impact on building a strong PLAN and safeguarding maritime security .

  8. 这标志着青岛航母军港已具备靠泊中国首艘航空母舰的保障能力,航母军港历时4年时间建成。

    This means the port in Qingdao now has the logistic ability to house China 's first aircraft carrier , following 4-years of construction .

  9. 在WTO体制下,改革我国的金融分业经营法律制度,实行金融混业经营,培育和发展金融控股公司,组建中国金融业航空母舰,是应对日趋激烈的国际竞争的一种现实选择。

    Under WTO system , in order to tackle the reality of fierce international competition , China must give up the financial separated-operation legal system to implement financial mixed-operation system , and foster and develop the financial holding companies and set up Chinese financial " aircraft carriers " .

  10. 中国为什么没有航空母舰啊!

    China why have no aircraft carrier !

  11. 运-7被设想是一种可以在中国将来的航空母舰编队上操作的版本。

    The Y-7 is thought to be a version that could operate off China 's coming fleet of aircraft carriers .

  12. 举例来说,五角大楼怀疑中国正在发展航空母舰,其中没有提及。

    It does not mention , for example , that China is developing an aircraft carrier , as the Pentagon suspects .

  13. 外界认为,这一言论证实了中国计划建造航空母舰,但自那以来,中国并未明确在这一问题上的立场。

    The remarks were seen as confirmation of plans for an aircraft carrier but China has not clarified its stance since then .

  14. 中国改装的航空母舰周三早上离开在东北辽宁省大连港的船坞,开始了它的首次出海试航。

    China 's refitted aircraft carrier left its shipyard at Dalian Port in northeast Liaoning Province on Wednesday morning to start its first sea trial .

  15. 直升机航母将作为权宜为中国海军的航空母舰要盖,尽管缺乏能力这样做。

    The helicopter carriers would act as a stopgap for aircraft carriers that the Chinese navy wanted to build , despite lacking the capability to do so .

  16. 中国首艘国产航空母舰研制组总指挥涉嫌严重违纪违法,目前正在接受调查。

    The head of the team for the development of China 's first domestically built aircraft carrier is under investigation for suspected severe violations of discipline and law .

  17. 打造中国食品业的航空母舰&记中粮集团董事长周明臣

    Make the aircraft carrier of the Chinese food industry

  18. 战略情报副总裁罗杰贝克讨论了中国的第一艘航空母舰即将发动的军事和政治影响。

    Vice President of Strategic Intelligence Rodger Baker discusses the military and political implications of the imminent launching of China 's first aircraft carrier .

  19. 若干年后,这艘航空母舰呗卖给了北京军方,而这艘航空母舰随即被改装成为中国的第一艘航空母舰。

    A few years later , it sold the Varyag to the Beijing military and the vessel has re-emerged this year as China 's first aircraft carrier .

  20. 如果中国兴建或购买航空母舰,这些资产将使它能够提供更多的防空作战、援两栖作战。

    If China were to build or purchase an aircraft carrier , such an asset would enable it to provide increased air defense and support for amphibious operations .

  21. 提出了建立“国家集团军”图书馆模式和建造中国图书馆大型“航空母舰”的建议。

    This paper puts forward the suggestions on establishing a library mode of " national group army " and building a huge " aircraft carrier " of Chinese library .

  22. 钱利华少将拒绝就中国是否决定建造航空母舰直接发表评论,但他明确表示,中国完全有权这样做。

    Maj Gen Qian declined to comment directly on whether China had decided to build a carrier , but he made clear that China had every right to do so .

  23. 其中一个例子就是中国显然想拥有航空母舰,上周来自高级军事官员不断加大的呼声中国能够并且应该打造自己的航母也再次证实了这一想法。

    One example of this is China 's apparent desire to own aircraft carriers , again confirmed by growing calls from senior military officials this week that the country was capable of and should build its own carrier .

  24. 中国新华社称,中国海军首艘航空母舰已经开始试航。

    The Chinese navy 's first aircraft carrier has begun its sea trials , the state-run Xinhua news agency has said .

  25. 中国海军一名高级军官说,中国第一艘航空母舰辽宁舰已掌握舰载飞机的着舰技术。

    A senior navy officer says China is now capable of deploying fighter jets on the country 's first aircraft carrier , the Liaoning .

  26. 中国军方周一打开大门接待美国国防部长哈格尔(ChuckHagel),为这位美国最高防务官员提供了一次难得的参观中国新航空母舰的机会。

    China 's military opened its doors on Monday to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel , offering America 's top defense official a rare look at its new aircraft carrier .