
zhōnɡ ɡuó hánɡ kōnɡ ɡōnɡ sī
  • China Airlines
  1. 仅有的另一家加入航空联盟的中国航空公司是中国南方航空(ChinaSouthernAirlinesCo.),它是天合联盟(SkyTeam)的成员。

    The only other Chinese carrier enrolled in an alliance is SkyTeam member China Southern Airlines Co. , based in the southern city of Guangzhou .

  2. 总部位于新泽西州莫里斯敦(Morristown)的霍尼韦尔去年与几家中国航空公司签署了五项协议,其中一项是研发通用航空驾驶舱。

    Honeywell , based in Morristown , N.J. , reached five agreements last year with Chinese aerospace companies , including one for the development of a general-aviation cockpit .

  3. 联昌国际证券(CIMBSecurities)航空分析师奥查德(AndrewOrchard)表示,中国航空公司将进入这一增长迅速的领域以拓宽收益渠道,但中期内这些新业务不一定会带来丰厚利润,因为航线网络的扩张需要启动成本。

    The Chinese airlines are ' going into this faster growing segment to broaden their earnings stream , but in the medium term these new businesses won 't necessarily be very profitable to them because of the startup costs attached with the network expansion , ' said Andrew Orchard , an aviation analyst at CIMB Securities

  4. 浅析目前中国航空公司收益管理面临的问题及对策

    Analysis of China 's Air-cargo Revenue Management Problems and Solutions

  5. 明显地,燃料占中国航空公司运营成本的40%。

    Fuel typically accounts for40 percent of Chinese airlines'operating costs .

  6. 但发展的高速度并不保证中国航空公司获得高利润。

    But high growth rate never means high profit rate .

  7. 中国航空公司可利用的飞机融资方式

    Aircraft Financing Approaches for the Use of Chinese Airlines

  8. 喂,你好,中国航空公司订票处,需要帮忙吗?

    Hello , Air China Flight Reservations . May I help you ? `

  9. 知识经济对中国航空公司的启示

    The Enlightenment Presented by Knowledge Economy to Chinese Airlines

  10. 提高中国航空公司竞争力的分析

    Analysis of enhancing the competitiveness of China 's airlines

  11. 此事对开通了欧洲航线的中国航空公司有何即时影响,目前还不得而知。

    The immediate impact on Chinese airlines with routes to Europe was unclear .

  12. 自北京起飞的中国航空公司123班机误点了。

    CAAC Flight 123 from Beijing has been delayed .

  13. 中国航空公司有一班飞机,9点25分起飞。

    Air China has a flight leaving at9:25 .

  14. 近日,中国航空公司第一次将行为不文明的旅客列入了黑名单。

    For the first time , airline passengers have been blacklisted for uncivilized behavior .

  15. 我表姐在中国航空公司职业。

    My cousin works for Air China .

  16. 您好!这里是中国航空公司预订部,请问能帮你什么?

    Hello , this is the Air China booking office , may I help you ?

  17. 不仅仅是成本问题&低成本经营在中国航空公司的实施

    Practice of Low-cost Operation for Chinese Airlines

  18. 对于乘坐中国航空公司的飞机,商务旅行者或许还在反对,但投资者却是争先恐后。

    Business travellers may still demur , but investors are rushing to jump aboard Chinese aircraft .

  19. 这家公司或许只需要为几家中国航空公司生产飞机就能过得很好。

    It could probably just produce planes for the various Chinese airlines and do very well .

  20. 公司再造:中国航空公司成功的必由之路企业再造&一个有效提高企业管理水平的工具

    The Way Reengineering Government Must Go Reengineering : the Only Way for Success of Chinese Airlines

  21. 马拉西亚航空公司和中国航空公司都有航班在吉隆坡和北京之间飞行。

    Both Malaysia Airlines and China International Airlines have regular services between Kuala Lumpur and Beijing .

  22. 所有乘坐中国航空公司航班的中外乘客都要求支付机场建设费。

    All domestic and overseas passengers taking airplanes of Chinese airlines are required to pay airport fee .

  23. 中国航空公司的定价能力使它们没有受到燃油价格高企的严重冲击。

    Chinese airlines ' pricing power has insulated them from the worst effects of high fuel prices .

  24. 如何迎接挑战,是每一个中国航空公司应该思考的问题。

    How to meet all the challenge is a serious problem that every Chinese airline should think about .

  25. 乍一看,中国航空公司报告的第三季度利润增幅令人震惊。

    At first glance , the profit increases reported by Chinese airlines in the third quarter are stunning .

  26. 最后,阐述了目前中国航空公司运用的收益管理的现状和发展方向。

    The last explain the present situation and developing direction in the future of Revenue Management for Chinese airline companies .

  27. 民航总局表示,这些措施旨在降低国内航空业的过度竞争,同时提高中国航空公司在国际上的竞争力。

    CAAC said the directives were aimed at reducing excessive competition in the domestic industry while making Chinese airlines more competitive internationally .

  28. 美国交通部宣布,将从6月16日起暂停中国航空公司飞往美国。

    The U.S. Transportation Department has announced it will suspend Chinese passenger carriers from flying to the United States starting June 16 .

  29. 6月22日,代表中国航空公司的中国航空运输协会表示中国将会采取相应的报复手段。

    On June 12th the China Air Transport Association , which represents Chinese carriers , said that China would retaliate with similar measures .

  30. 到了2006年,已经涌现出八家私营航空公司来挑战三个主要的国有公司,中国航空公司、南方航空公司以及东方航空公司。

    By2006 , eight private carriers had sprung up to challenge the three state-controlled majors , Air China , China Southern and China Eastern .