
  • 网络China Statistical Yearbook;statistical yearbook of china;Chinese statistical yearbook
  1. 在第三章中选择2008年中国统计年鉴的有关数据,通过传统的GM(1,1)模型对我国城镇居民收入进行了预测与分析,并对该模型的误差以及精度进行了分析和讨论。

    Chapter 3 chooses relevant data in 2008 China Statistical Yearbook , makes prediction and analysis to the income of urban residents by traditional GM ( 1,1 ) and does research to the model error and precision .

  2. 本文数据来源于1986年、2000年的《中国统计年鉴》,笔者所用数据为1952年~1999年中国年GNP及中国的进出口总值。

    This study depends on the publication data from China Statistical Yearbook issues 1986 and 2000 . The researcher used the annual data series from 1952 to 1999 for China 's Gross National Product , China 's Total exports and China 's Total Imports .

  3. 对改进《中国统计年鉴》中商业地产统计的探讨

    Research on Improving the Statistics of Real Estate in China Statistical Yearbook

  4. 国家统计局出版的《中国统计年鉴》;

    " Statistical yearbook of china ", published by the State Statistical bureau ;

  5. 即使相对于中国统计年鉴的数据,中国的煤炭基础储量也只能使用到2065年。

    Even compared with the China Statistical Yearbook of the data , the basis of China 's coal reserves can only be used in2065 .

  6. 本论文原始数据来源于各期《拉丁美洲、加勒比海统计年鉴》以及《中国统计年鉴》。

    Researching a set of data obtained from the " The Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean " and " China Statistical Yearbook ", several issues for both .

  7. 本文依据上海市人事局、《中国统计年鉴》、《中国教育年鉴》公布的相关资料,对海外人才的回流规模进行了预测。

    Based on the information from Shanghai personnel Bureau , China Statistical Yearbook , China Education Yearbook , the paper predicts the future volume of overseas talents flowing back to shanghai .

  8. 通过对调研数据和《中国统计年鉴》等年鉴的数据分析,结合文献整理成果,我们有以下发现:一、城市义务教育免杂费政策实现了很强的正向效应。

    After analyzed the survey data and China Statistical Yearbook and some other yearbooks , we have found the following issues : I. The free policy has achieved a strong positive effect .

  9. 按照《中国统计年鉴》的统计分类,食品工业主要包括农副食品加工业、食品制造业、饮料制造业和烟草制品业四类。

    According to the statistical classification of China Statistical Yearbook , there are four categories of the food industry . They are agricultural food processing industry , food industry , beverage manufacturing and tobacco products industry .

  10. 本文首先收集了1985年-2009年《中国统计年鉴》中我国城镇居民各类食物消费的相关数据,分析我国城镇居民家庭食物消费变化趋势及结构变化。

    Firstly I collected data of the various types of urban households food consumption in " China Statistical Yearbook " from 1985 to 2009 , and I analysis food consumption trends and structural changes about urban household .

  11. 利用《中国统计年鉴》的工业产出数据、贸易数据,《中国能源统计年鉴》的部门能源消耗数据以及1997年的全国投入产出表,分析了中国对外贸易中的体现能。

    With the trade data and industry output data from China Statistical Yearbook , energy consumption data from China Energy Statistical Yearbook and Input-Output Table of China ( 1997 ), embodied energy in goods trade of China from 1994-2001 was estimated .

  12. 本文将会从一些文献中选取一些失业率的估计方法进行整合,并对《中国统计年鉴》和《中国劳动统计年鉴》中的数据进行细细地研究,找到一个最佳的估计方法。

    From some of the literature , this article will select some of the unemployment rate estimation methods to integrate , make a research on the data from China Statistical Yearbook and China Labor Statistical Yearbook , and find a best estimate .

  13. 根据中国统计年鉴城镇居民和农村居民收入数据的特点,对相应的基尼系数计算进行了研究和探讨,并给出了一种推算方法,计算了1982&2001年城镇、农村和全国居民的基尼系数。

    After studying the income characteristics of town and rural households based on China Statistic Almanac , this paper puts forward a calculation of Gini coefficient , and obtains the Gini coefficients from 1982 to 2001 of town , rural and national households .

  14. 同时制造业也是耗能大户,根据中国统计年鉴数据分析可知,从1998年至2002年这五年中,制造业能源消费量占能源消费总量基本维持在54%左右。

    At the same time , the gross of energy consume in manufacturing is very big . According to the related data , from 1998 to 2002 , the gross of energy consumption in manufacturing take up 54 % of total energy consumption in China .

  15. 本文在《中国统计年鉴:2003》公布的数据基础上,对中国城镇范围内劳动力的短期供求状况和失业率进行了预测,并从中得到了一些有益的启示。

    Based on the data announced by Chinese Statistical Yearbook : 2003 , this article predicts to the short - term supply and demand of labor force and the rate of unemployment in cities and towns of China , which gives us some helpful enlightenments .

  16. 本文运用《中国统计年鉴》门类行业和细分行业职工平均工资数据,采用多种不平等指数,从静态和动态两个方面全方位刻画了改革以来中国行业收入差距的演化特征。

    In this paper , average salary data of big industries and small industries in " China Statistical Yearbook " and various inequality indices are used to measure the evolution characteristics of Chinese industry income differentials from static and dynamic aspect since the reform and opening up .

  17. 在实证分析中,本文通过用教育支出为工具变量度量风险,首先选取《中国统计年鉴》的相关数据对我国城镇居民家庭和农村居民家庭的预防性储蓄动机强度进行了检验;

    In the section of empirical analysis , the paper takes educational expenditure as instrumental variable ( IV ) to measure the risk , uses the correlative data in China Statistical Yearbook firstly to estimate the precautionary saving motivation intensity in Chinese urban resident household and rural residents household .

  18. 中国城市统计年鉴,1985~2009。北京:中国统计出版社。

    ChinaCity Statistical Yearbook , 1985 ~ 2009 . Beijing : China Statistics Press .

  19. 中国教育统计年鉴。

    Source : Education Statistical Yearbook in china .

  20. 收集25个省市的卫生资源配置标准和区域卫生规划,及部分省市的卫生资源配置标准测算资料,以及相关的1992-2003年《中国卫生统计年鉴》和《卫生部财政决算》等资料。

    Collecting the standards of health resource allocation of 25 provinces and the materials to calculate the standards of health resource allocation .

  21. 根据《2015年中国卫生统计年鉴》数据显示,我国儿科医生的数量在5年内从10.5万人减少至约10万人。

    The number of pediatricians in China dropped from 105000 to around 100000 within five years , according to China 's public health statistical yearbook in 2015 .

  22. 另一方面,官方的死亡登记数据源于医师完成的死亡证明,公布在《中国卫生统计年鉴》上。

    Official death registration data , on the other hand , are obtained from death certificates completed by physicians and are published in the China health statistics yearbook .

  23. 我们选用1998-2003年间的《中国科技统计年鉴》和《中国工业统计年鉴》37个工业行业面板数据进行研究。

    We select 37 industries in China from year 1998 to 2003 . Most data comes from the yearbook of Chinese Industry and the yearbook of science and technology of China .

  24. 根据2015年中国卫生统计年鉴统计显示,每十万名儿童只能对应43名儿科医生,而美国则是每十万名儿童对应160名医生。

    According to the 2015 China Health Statistics Yearbook , there are only 43 pediatricians for every 100000 children , compared with around 160 doctors for every 100000 children in the US .

  25. 共纳入四个全国性的数据资源:全国疾病监测系统-死因检测数据集、全国死因回顾调查报告、中国卫生统计年鉴、全国伤害医院监测数据集。

    The 4 national resources were National Disease Surveillance Points System ( DSPs ), National Retrospective Sampling Survey of Death Causes , China Health Statistics Annuals , Chinese National Injury Surveillance System .

  26. 基于《中国科技统计年鉴》(1996-2011)的统计数据研究表明:河北省研发服务业与经济增长并未形成良性互动关系。

    Studies based statistical data on the " China Statistical Yearbook "( 1996-2011 ) has shown that : R & D services in Hebei Province and economic growth is not a positive interaction .

  27. 通过查阅近年的《中国卫生统计年鉴》,反映出在全国整体水平上各级卫生机构的设施状况有了较大改善,如建筑面积、床位开设、仪器设备配置等方面。

    Data from Chinese health statistics yearbook published in recent years indicate that the health facilities has greatly improved in China as a whole , such as built-up area , sickbed number and equipment .

  28. 目的:通过对1993年和2004年《中国卫生统计年鉴》和第一次及第三次国家卫生服务调查相关数据的分析,测算5类慢性疾病的直接医疗费用。

    Object : On the base of data from China Health Statistical Yearbooks in 1993 and 2003 and the first and third National Health Services Survey , the direct medical expenses of the 5 main chronic non-infectious diseases are estimated .

  29. 中国房地产统计年鉴。

    China real estate statistics yearbook .

  30. 在使用投入产出表和中国工业经济统计年鉴两份数据计算工业行业软投入贡献率后,发现两个样本测算的软投入贡献率在1982-2007年均软投入贡献率均为负。

    The annual average contribution rate of soft input in the 1982-2007 are both negative , based on the calculation of input-output tables and the China Industrial Economic Statistical Yearbook .