
  • 网络chinese management
  1. 当代中国管理学主要流派研究范式和方法评析

    Research Paradigm and Methodology of Chinese Management Schools

  2. 目前中国管理学研究逐渐形成了全盘西化派、洋为中用派、中国式管理学派等三大流派。但中国管理学研究存在诸多问题,如今缺乏对中国本土化管理的研究和解读;

    With the development of Chinese management researches , three major schools come out including wholly western-oriented , local adapted and Chinese style management .

  3. 中国管理学期刊被引次数分析&基于CSSCI的统计分析(2004~2006年)

    Analysis of Times Cited and Citation Extent of Periodicals of Management Science & Based on CSSCI ( during the 2004 ~ 2006 )

  4. 中国管理学界的社会责任与历史使命

    The Social Responsibility and Historical Mission of China Management Science Academe

  5. 关于经营概念的演变&兼论全球化条件下的中国管理学的一些问题

    Business environment Management Is Useless The Development of Concept of Management in China

  6. 中国管理学发展正处于一个历史转折,面临着学科发展的路如何走的问题。

    The development of China management science is experiencing a historical transition . A question of how to choose the road of developing appears .

  7. 鉴于在中国管理学领域内有关现代阿拉伯国家的学术研究并不流行的现状,本文将通过总体介绍中阿关系以及概括该关系特点的方式开展阐述。

    As modern Arab is not so much popular in the academic research on economy in China , this thesis started by generally presenting the Sino-Arab relation and summarized its characteristics .

  8. 中国教育管理学30年:成就、特点与问题

    30 Years of Chinese Educational Management : Achievement , Characteristics and Problems

  9. 而对于中国特色管理学的创建,也提出了一个可供进一步探讨的思路。

    A way of thinking about how to establish the management with Chinese character is also given for further discussion .

  10. 为此,中国公共管理学应该在3个方面作出努力:一是确立公共管理学特有的问题意识;

    Therefore , China 's public management should pay close attention in three aspects : the problem consciousness of public management ;

  11. 中国的管理学专家则认为,外包就是在不增加成本的基础上,把原来自己做不太好的事情交给别人去做,让更专业的人做得更好、更理想。

    Chinese management experts think , it is on the basis of not increasing cost , hand the not so good affair of do-it-yourself over to the other people to do , let more professional persons do better and more ideally .

  12. 环境管理学成就最大,从实践中已探索出中国环境管理学研究的道路。已为1992年在巴西召开的联合国环境与发展会议所肯定。

    The greatest achievements have been seen in the environmental management science on which a China-specific research way in the light of the management practice in China was accepted by the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development ( UNCED ) in Brazil .

  13. 作为科学行政认知成果的行政科学,也不只是研究行政管理的规律,即提供科学的行政图景,它还提供科学的行政思维方式和科学的行政价值规范。中国行政管理学从思想到学说的发展

    The science of administration does not only focus on rules of administration , that is , the administering blueprint , but provide methods of thinking and criterion of value . A Study of the Historical Development of the Formation of the Science of Administration in China

  14. 中国当代行政管理学的历史使命

    The Historical Task of the Administrative Management Studies in Contemporary China

  15. 中国当代行政管理学课程体系与教学内容改革分析

    An Analysis of Course System of Administrative Managements and the Reform of Its Teaching Contents in China

  16. 《管子》是一部中国古代经济管理学的百科全书。心的管理是其管理思想的核心。

    The pipe is a study of ancient Chinese economic management Encyclopedia , psychological management is the core of their management thinking .

  17. 而中国农业大学管理学专业大三学生、21岁的贾德宝(音译)则认为冷清也有冷清的好处。

    But there are a few advantages , according to Jia Debao , 21 , a junior majoring in administration at China Agricultural University .

  18. 在中国,公共管理学要走向成熟,实现科学化,关键是要关注中国公共管理的实践,创造中国公共管理理论。

    In China , the public management must focus on the practice of public management and try to create the theory of China 's public management .

  19. 中国400多名管理学教师参与了哈佛牵头的项目,如今正同时构建硬件和软件,以开发遵循最高教学标准的管理教育。

    More than 400 Chinese management faculty have participated in Harvard-led programmes and are now building both the hardware and the software to develop management education to the highest pedagogical standards .

  20. 西安交通大学管理学院(XJTU-SOM)创建于1928年,并于1984年重组,是中国最早开展管理学教育的学院之一。

    The School of Management of Xi'an Jiaotong University ( XJTU-SOM ), founded in1928 and then reorganized in1984 , is one of China 's first management schools .

  21. 中国情境下的管理学理论构建与研究进路

    Management Theory Construction and Researching Route in Chinese Background

  22. 由于东西方文化对人的认识的差异性,决定了在学习、借鉴西方的管理理论和经验时,要结合中国实际,要创造中国特色的管理学。

    Because of the east-west culture difference in cognition person , comes to a decision in studying , drawing lessons from the west of management theories and experience , wants to combine with the actual of China , wants to create the management study of special features in China .