
  1. 学术兴趣:晚清文学、中国科幻文学、科幻文学与文化等等。

    Academic interests : late Qing literature , Chinese science fiction , world science fiction and culture .

  2. 她总结出二十世纪内的科幻翻译历史的四次浪潮,取出五个典型译作做了个案分析,并探讨了科幻译介对于中国科幻文学发展的影响。

    She sums up the four waves of translation , performs case studies of five classic works , and explores the influence of translated science fiction on the development of China 's domestic science fiction .

  3. 论文的最后一章则是对上述分析做出总结,并在全文末尾对中国当代科幻文学的发展问题进行了思考,对其未来的发展提出了期望。

    The final chapter is the summary of this analysis , and the discussion of the development problem of Chinese contemporary science fiction literature , and put forward the expectation for its future development .

  4. 这些作品正在逐步建立中国女性科幻的文学传统。

    These works are constructing the tradition of Chinese feminist science fiction .

  5. 这部系列也为科幻小说这一类型赋予了新活力,和在世界其他地方一样,在中国,科幻小说的文学价值经常被边缘化。

    The series has also breathed new life into a genre that , here as elsewhere , the literary establishment often marginalizes .