
  • 网络NAOC;National Astronomical Observatory of China;National Astronomical Observatories
  1. 中国科学院国家天文台首席科学家李菂去年接受《中国日报》采访时表示,“FAST拥有较大的信号接收区,更具灵活性,探查的天空面积是阿雷西博的两倍多,精确度是它的三到五倍”。

    Li Di , a chief scientist with the National Astronomical Observatories under the Chinese Academy of Sciences , told China Daily last year that " with a larger signal receiving area and more flexibility , FAST will be able to scan two times more sky area than Arecibo , with three to five times higher sensitivity . "

  2. 新华社援引中国科学院国家天文台的首席研究员姚永强的话说第一台代号为阿里一号的望远镜已经在建中,他补充道到2021年它会开始运行。

    The first telescope code-named Ngari No. 1 is already under construction according toXinhua which cited Yao Yongqiang chief researcher with the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences who added it will be operational by 2021 .

  3. 中国科学院国家天文台FAST项目的科学家在上周三发布了这一消息。

    Scientists on the FAST project with the National Astronomical Observatories of China , part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , revealed the news last Wednesday .

  4. 中国科学院国家天文台已经接管了嫦娥五号探测器带回的月球岩石和土壤,并将很快开始相关研究。

    The National Astronomical Observatories , a subsidiary of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , has taken charge of the lunar rocks and soil brought back by the Chang'e 5 robotic probe and will start research on them soon .

  5. 12月19日上午,中国科学院国家天文台在北京举行探月工程嫦娥五号任务月球样品交接仪式。在交接仪式活动现场,国家航天局局长张克俭向中国科学院院长侯建国移交了嫦娥五号任务月球样品。

    A ceremony for receiving the lunar samples was held at the National Astronomical Observatories headquarters in Beijing on Saturday morning shortly after Zhang Kejian , head of the China National Space Administration , handed them over to Hou Jianguo , the academy 's president .

  6. 空间太阳望远镜(SST)是中国未来重要的太阳观测卫星,中国科学院国家天文台和航天部五院目前正在开展该卫星的研制工作。

    The Space Solar Telescope ( SST ), an important solar observing satellite in the future , is being developed under the corporation of National Astronomical Observatories , Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Airspace Department .

  7. 张超是自由职业者和《中国国家天文》杂志编辑。这家杂志由中国科学院国家天文台主办。他的日常工作就是盯着天空,然后写一些科普文章。

    Working as a freelancer and editor for an astronomy magazine affiliated with the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , his regular job is to stare at the starry firmament and write popular-science articles .