
  1. 中国的政党制度由于其历史与现实的特殊性而与其他国家相区别。

    The system of political party in China is distinguished with other countries because of its historical and realistic particularity .

  2. 第一部分,主要分析了中国特殊的政党制度及其历史形成过程。

    The text of the article is divided into four parts altogether : The first part analyses Chinese special political party system and historical forming process mainly .

  3. 我们要认清形势,迎接挑战,解放思想,努力创新,坚持、发展、完善中国特色的政党制度。

    We need to clearly understand the situation , meet the challenges , emancipate our thinking , try our best to innovate , and persist in , develop and perfect the political party system of Chinese Characteristics .

  4. 这一符合中国国情的社会主义政党制度,既不同于西方资本主义国家的多党制,也不同于一些社会主义国家的一党制,它是马克思列宁主义同中国革命与建设结合的一个典范。

    This political party system is suitable for the current situation in China . It is different neither from the western multi-party system nor from the one-party system in some socialist countries , It .

  5. 中国特色政党制度是符合中国国情的社会主义特色政党制度,它的形成是历史和中国人民的必然选择。

    The political system with Chinese characteristics is the socialist political party system accorded with Chinese national situation whose formation is historical and inevitable choice for the Chinese .

  6. 并阐明这种政治制度是从中国的具体国情出发,在实践中不断完善和形成起来的,是具有中国特色的政党制度。

    Party system with Chinese characteristics which applies to the concrete condition of China and is being formed and perfected in practice .