
  1. 之后她后悔了,想把画要回去,并且给了他一幅中国水车的画想把古董换回去。

    Then she changed her mind , asked for it back and offered up a print of a Chinese water wheel instead .

  2. 中国是传统水车技术的发源地。

    China can be regarded as the birthplace of waterwheel technology .

  3. 以罗马时期水力坊的应用为背景,以中国古代社会水车的使用为参照,对中世纪的水力坊,特别是这一时期广泛用于碾磨谷物的水力谷物坊进行详细论述。

    It discusses the watermills in middle ages in detail especially the mills for corn grinding , which takes the use of watermills in Roman ages as its background , and the watermills in China as its reference .