
zhōnɡ ɡuó rì bào
  • China Daily;China News
  1. 《中国日报》收到世界各地发来的电讯。

    China Daily receives dispatches from all parts of the world .

  2. 今天的《中国日报》刊登了两封读者来信。

    Two letters to the editor were published in today 's China daily .

  3. 另函附上《中国日报》一份。

    Under separate cover I am sending you a copy of China daily .

  4. 请把这封信送交中国日报社。

    Please take this letter to the general office of the China daily .

  5. 中国日报》收到世界各地发来的电讯

    China Daily receives dispatches from all parts of the world . 《

  6. 中国日报》正在征求订户

    China Daily is soliciting subscriptions . 《

  7. 值此中国日报创刊40周年之际,我向你们表示热烈的祝贺!向报社全体干部职工和外国专家、友人,致以诚挚的问候!

    On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of China Daily 's founding , I extend warm congratulations and cordial greetings to its staff members , foreign experts and friends .

  8. 40年来,中国日报发挥自身优势,积极宣介中国改革发展,为讲好中国故事、传播中国声音发挥了重要作用。

    Over the past 40 years , China Daily has given full play to its strengths and actively presented China 's reform and development , playing an important role in telling China 's story well and making its voice heard .

  9. 上海一位数字交易平台人士对《中国日报》表示,监管部门上周约见了几个比特币交易平台的负责人,讨论了比特币行情波动时托管平台的运行方式。

    Authorities visited executives of a number of bitcoin trading platforms last week , and have inquired how the platform works when value of the virtual currency plunges and surges , a person at a Shanghai-based digital trading platform told China Daily .

  10. 《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)的一篇文章说,目前昂贵跑车在中国很有可能遭到毁坏。

    According to an article in China Daily , pricey sports cars now run a high risk of getting vandalized .

  11. 他毕业于福建一所大学的英语专业,第一份工作是在国有报纸《中国日报》(chinadaily)当记者。

    His first job after studying English at University in Fujian Province was as a journalist at China Daily , the state-run newspaper .

  12. 据国有媒体《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)报道,马拉多纳还说,他想为中国青少年足球事业的发展尽一份力。

    According to the state-run China Daily , Maradona added that he wants to contribute to the development of China 's soccer youth .

  13. 官方报纸《中国日报》(chinadaily)最近的一项在线调查显示,57%的被调查者愿意将存款转移到外资银行。

    According to a recent online survey by the officialchina dailynewspaper , 57 per cent of respondents would like to move their money into foreign-owned banks .

  14. 大坝基本上兑现了输送低碳电能的承诺。据《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)报道,2010年其发电量约840亿度。

    The dam has largely delivered on its promise to deliver low-carbon electricity , producing roughly 84 billion kilowatt hours in 2010 , according to China Daily .

  15. 官方的《中国日报》(chinadaily)周一表示,北京将日益以“北京咳”而闻名,而不是以北京烤鸭或京剧而闻名。

    The official China Daily newspaper on Monday said the city was becoming better known for " Beijing cough " than for Peking duck or Peking Opera .

  16. 《中国日报》(chinadaily)周二发表的一篇文章称,明年稀土出口配额将遭到削减,尽管商务部否认了这种说法,称正就此展开研究。

    An article in the China Daily on Tuesday said that exports would be cut next year although this was denied by the Ministry of Commerce , which said it was investigating .

  17. 官方英文报纸《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)的社论引用了另外一项调查,显示91%的受调查者对官方数据持怀疑态度,高于2007年时79%的比例。

    An editorial yesterday in the China Daily , the government 's English-language mouthpiece , quoted another survey that found 91 per cent of respondents were sceptical of official data , up from 79 per cent in 2007 .

  18. 据《中国日报》报道,马拉多纳此次访华是为参加一个为期八天的慈善活动,他将与中国足球协会(China'sFootballAssociation)副主席韦迪见面。

    In China for an eight-day charity trip , Maradona is set to meet with Wei Di , the man in charge of China 's Football Association , China Daily said .

  19. 这份调查由中国日报和日本非盈利智库言论NPO进行。

    The poll was sponsored by China Daily and the Japanese non-profit think tank Genron NPO .

  20. 据《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)报道,北京地铁部门正在勉力维持便民拖鞋计划。有关部门推出这一计划的初衷是帮助高峰期上下地铁时意外将鞋掉入车厢和站台缝隙中的乘客。

    According to a report in the state-run China Daily , the Beijing subway authorities are struggling to maintain supplies for a temporary slipper replacement program they 've launched to help passengers who accidentally lose their flip-flops in rush-hour traffic .

  21. 百度发言人郭怡广(KaiserKuo)接受中国日报网采访时表示,不会对传言进行评论。

    However , Baidu 's spokesman Kaiser Kuo told China Daily on Monday that No comments on rumors .

  22. 《金融时报》引用业内人士的说法称,vivo这次的赞助费约为4亿欧元(4.466亿美元),但vivo随后向《中国日报》否认了该数字。

    The Financial Times quoted people familiar with the matter as saying that the deal cost around 400 million euros ( $ 449.6 million ) , but Vivo denied the figure to China Daily .

  23. 正如官方英文报纸《中国日报》所言,在G20峰会上,“中国要做的是被观察和被倾听”。

    As China Daily , a state-owned English-language newspaper , put it , " what China is going to do is be seen and be heard " at the G-20 .

  24. 周一,北京西城区的工商人员在接受《中国日报》采访时表示,在未获得法律许可前,有关部门不会停止征收苹果使用iPad商标的罚款。

    The commercial administrator for Beijing ` s Xicheng district told China Daily on Monday it has not dropped the idea of fining Apple for using the iPad trademark before legally acquiring it .

  25. 《中国日报》报道称,PM2.5浓度的「健康」标准为35微克/立方米,北京有望在2030年达标。

    The concentration level of PM 2.5 cited by China Daily as healthy , and supposedly attainable by 2030 , was 35 micrograms per cubic meter .

  26. 据《中国日报》星期一报道,至少有39家中国公司和个人已经试图给iPhone和iPad这些名称注册商标,产品涉及登山鞋、兽医药品和尿布等。

    The China Daily newspaper reports Monday that at least 39 Chinese companies and individuals have attempted to register the names iPhone or iPad as trademarks for products as varied as hiking shoes , veterinary drugs and diapers .

  27. 据《中国日报》报道,MERS是由一种新型冠状病毒(MERS-CoV)引起的病毒性呼吸道疾病,这种病毒于2012年在沙特阿拉伯首次被发现。

    The MERS is a respiratory tract illness caused by the MERS coronavirus that was first discovered in Saudi Arabia in 2012 , according to China Daily .

  28. 据中国日报报道,在星期三,货船被劫持后,12名船员的尸体在靠近泰国北部的ChiangRai被发现。

    The bodies of12 crew members were found near Chiang Rai in northern Thailand on Friday and Saturday after the ships were hijacked on Wednesday , the China Daily newspaper reported .

  29. AppAnnie首席执行官和联合创始人伯特兰·施密特在接受《中国日报》独家采访时表示,中国占世界应用商店总收入的20%,2020年将有望占总收入的30%。

    In a recent exclusive interview with China Daily , Bertrand Schmitt , CEO and co-founder of App Annie , said China accounts for about 20 percent of the world 's gross app store revenue and it is expected to take about 30 percent of total revenue by 2020 .

  30. 中国日报网齐晔:联合国政府间气候变化委员会(IPCC)提出,到2020年,发达国家要在1990年基础上将温室气体排放量削减25%到40%,以避免气候进一步恶化。

    Moving into the next phase , Copenhagen . IPCC , the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change , proposed 25 to 40 percent of cuts in greenhouse gas emissions for the developed countries in order to avoid a dangerous deterioration of the climate .