
  1. 现实与表现&中国新现实主义绘画的精神

    Reality and Expression The Spirit of the New Realistic Paintings in China

  2. 对中国新现实主义油画的关注

    Concern on Chinese New Realism Oil-painting

  3. 第三部分着重讨论中国新现实主义油画的表现特质,分别从语言形式和自我表现两个视角出发。

    Part three is focused on two aspects of Chinese New Realism oil-painting performance characteristics : Language forms and self-expression .

  4. 第四部分描述了中国新现实主义油画的发展现状及对未来展望。

    Part four described the Chinese New Realism oil-painting of the current development and future prospects of the Chinese oil painting .

  5. 使我们了解关注后农业中国的新现实主义写实油画的发展现状。

    Will enable us to understand the concerns of the new realities of agriculture in China and the development of realistic painting .

  6. 实质上中国新文学现实主义的发展始终是在寻找真实性与倾向性的之间的一个相对平衡点。

    Essentially the development of the Chinese New Realism is always looking for a relative balance between the " authenticity " and " tendentious " .

  7. 同时阐明关注后农业中国的新现实主义写实油画应该的发展方向和上述这一切的意义所在。

    At the same time , agriculture in China to clarify the concerns of the new realism painting realism should be the development direction and the above-mentioned the significance of all this .

  8. 可以说,中国新文学现实主义的发展,始终困惑于如何在遵循文学自身发展规律的基础上尽可能地满足中国特殊的革命时代对文学功能性特征的绝对放大。

    It can be said that the development of the Chinese New Realism is always confused with how to follow their own law of development on the basis of as much as possible to meet the special era of the revolutionary literature " functional " features absolutely enlarge .

  9. 20世纪90年代中国农村题材新现实主义小说论

    On the Neo-realistic Novels about the Rural Subjects of China in 1990s