
  • 网络chinese literary theory;Chinese Theories of Literature
  1. 批评化不是中国文学理论的出路&对文学理论研究一种走向的价值审视

    Literary Criticism : A Wrong Way Out for Chinese Literary Theory

  2. 当代中国文学理论反本质主义批判的批判

    Re-criticism to the Criticism of Anti-Essentialism of the Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory

  3. 论解构后的当代中国文学理论重新建构

    On the Reconstruction of the Deconstructed Contemporary Chinese Literature Theory

  4. 否定之否定:中国文学理论发展的历史过程

    Double Negation : Historical Development of Chinese Literary Theory

  5. 周扬对新中国文学理论教材影响深远。

    Zhou Yang has a profound effect on the new Chinese literature theory textbooks .

  6. 解构批评与新历史主义&中国文学理论的后现代性

    Post modern ness of the Chinese Literary Theory

  7. 中国文学理论的失语与拯救

    Aphasia and Rescue of Chinese Literary Theory

  8. 当前中国文学理论界面临文学性迷失问题。

    The theory circle of Chinese literature faces the problem of loss of literariness at present .

  9. 从新批评派反观后理论时代中国文学理论的诸种问题

    The Introspection on Some Issues of Chinese Literary Theory in the Post-Theoretical Era from the Perspective of New Criticism

  10. 居于中国文学理论传统主流的儒家文学观,倡导以理驭情。

    The confucian literary concept , centered in Chinese mainstream traditional literature theory , advocates " reason controls emotion " .

  11. 进化和进步的思想成为中国文学理论变异和转型的内在理论支撑点。

    The ideas of Evolution and advancement become the inner theoretical support of the variation and transformation of Chinese literary theory .

  12. 21世纪初中国文学理论教材发展的困境及出路

    The Plight and the Way out : The Development of Chinese Literary Theory Teaching Materials at the Beginning of 21st Century

  13. 加强对这种原创性的研究,是建设中国文学理论的重要工作。

    It is an important contribution to the construction of Chinese literature theory to strengthen research into this kind of original creativity .

  14. 同时,这种群体的理论发言,也极大地影响、甚至改变了20世纪中国文学理论的总体面貌。

    Meanwhile , the combined pronouncement of theories had also highly affected and even changed the overall aspect of the Chinese literary theory in the 20th century .

  15. 《文赋》是我国文论史上第一篇系统而完整地论述文学创作内部规律的专著,本文主要分析了《文赋》对中国文学理论的贡献及其对后人的影响与局限性。

    In the history of Chinese literary theory , " Fu on literature " is the first monograph which systematically and thoroughly expounds the internal law in literature-creating .

  16. 中国文学理论批评的当代品格有三方面的特征,一是以审美的社会价值论作为评价文学的基本准则,并对文学的人学内涵加以多角度地阐发;

    Three characteristics are revealed in the Chinese theoretic criticism of the contemporary literature : first , taking the aesthetic value as the basic norm to evaluate the literature ;

  17. 其原因为社会改革,西学东渐,文体发展和资产阶级改良派使然。在中国文学理论批评史上是一个光辉的里程碑。

    Which took shape by the social reformation , spread of western culture to the orient , the development of literal style , and the promotion from capital reformists .

  18. 禅作为一种文化现象对中国文学理论产生过重要影响,尤其是“诗话”这种类似语录体的诗评形式就是直接习自禅家的一个成果。

    Chan , as a cultural phenomenon , has important influence on literary theory of China , especially Peotry Talks similar to form of quotation comes directly from Chan sect .

  19. 20世纪的中国文学理论教材建设走过了百年的风雨历程,大体可以划分为发生期、仿苏期和自主期。

    The teaching materials of Chinese literature theory in 20th century went through 100 years development , which is divided into Beginning Period , Coping the former Soviet Union Period and Independent Period .

  20. 价值与真理的关系,是20世纪中国文学理论和创作实践中的深层问题,也是21世纪中国文学的现实难题。

    The relationship between truth and value is a problem deeply rooted in Chinese literary theories and writing practice in the Twentieth Century , and also a practical problem of contemporary Chinese literature at the beginning of 21st century .

  21. 中国文学理论确是存在一定的危机,但危机是一种正常的状态,危机也是一种好的现象,文学理论就是在危机中获得生存的。

    The Chinese literature theories are faced in crisis indeed , but the crisis is a kind of normal appearance and the crisis is a kind of good phenomenon too . The literature theories are in crisis to exist .

  22. 对晚清文学的考察为中国文学理论的变异和转型的研究提供了一个可能掘进的契机,但由于对这个过程的考察有失细致和深化,使得这种研究仍然没有突破传统研究范式。

    The examination of the literature in late Qing Dynasty provides an opportunity for possible progress in our study of the variation and transformation , but the examination is not deep and penetrating , and never breaks the traditional study paradigms .

  23. 中古文论在中国文学理论批评史上具有十分重要的地位,它标志着中国文学理论与批评的发展与成熟,被称为自觉的文学理论批评。

    Middle Ancient Literary Theory had an important position in Chinese Literary Theory and Criticism History , and it marked that the development and mature of Chinese Literary Theory and Criticism , and it was named " conscientious literary theory and criticism " .

  24. 新历史主义的结构性语境观察方式和美国批评学会的文化网络研究堪称典范,对其成果的批判吸收是我们以综合的姿态建设中国文学理论的重要阶段性任务。

    The observation manner of neo-history ' ' structual context ' and the cultural network study of American Society of Criticism can be regarded as classical studies . To critically absorb these achievements is then the main task of comprehensively building up Chinese literary theory .

  25. 通过西方思维和汉语思维的比较,指出文学范式这一术语形成的内在机制,实际上是我国学界对西方理论作出的反应,这是当代中国文学理论建设的必由之路。

    By Western thinking and comparison of Chinese thinking , that " literary paradigm " internal mechanism of the formation of the term , in fact , scholars of the Western theory of the response , which is the construction of contemporary Chinese literary theory the only way .

  26. 对建构有中国特色文学理论的几点思考

    Thoughts on the Construction of the Literary Theory with Chinese Characteristics

  27. 中国古代文学理论体系概述

    An introduction to the theoretical system of the ancient Chinese literature

  28. 关于中国现代文学理论史研究的几个问题

    Issues about the Study of History of Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory

  29. 新中国民间文学理论研究和学科建设:1949~1966

    Academic Research and Discipline Making of Folk Literature from 1949 to 1966

  30. 评价论与中国当代文学理论建设

    The Concept of Evaluation and the Construction of Contemporary Chinese Literary Theory