
  1. 中国教育体制改革以后,职业培训作为老牌服务行业,也与时俱进地进入了高速成长和逐步完善期。

    After chinese educational system was reformed , the vocational training , as one of the oldest consulting service field , also entered an accelerated period of development and perfected itself gradually .

  2. 随着中国教育体制改革的不断深入、学生人数的不断上升、课程设置以及办学性质的多样化,使得排课越来越成为学校教学管理中十分重要、又相当复杂的管理工作之一。

    With the deeply development of Chinese education system , the continuously growing number of students , the diversification of course scheduling set and the nature of school , the Course Scheduling is one of very important and quite complicated management works in teaching management .

  3. 这对于推动中国高等教育体制改革和中国高等教育持续健康发展有着不可替代的重要意义。

    Also it has an important significance in the promotion of the Chinese higher education system reform and insurance the incessantly healthy development of the higher education .

  4. 近年来,随着中国高等教育体制改革的深入,高等学校收费标准逐年攀升,贫困生问题已成为媒体报道和学术界研究的焦点问题。

    With the deepening of the reform of China 's higher education system , tuition increases year by year , as a result , poor students ' problems have become the focus of media and academia recently .

  5. 当前,中国的教育体制改革不断深化、新的课程标准已经出台,素质教育的教育理念不断深入人心,作为一名教学战线的普通一名教师,深感责任重大。

    Currently , that educational system reform is continually deepening , new course standard had been established , diathesis education concept had been accepted by more and more people in china . Acting as middle school teacher , my duty is importance .

  6. 中国义务教育经费体制改革:变化与效果

    China 's Reform of Compulsory Education Funding : Changes and Effects

  7. 中国高等教育管理体制改革分析

    An Analysis of Reform in Administrative System of Chinese Higher Education

  8. 新公共管理与中国高等教育供给体制改革

    New Public Administration and System Reform of Chinese Higher Education

  9. 也谈中国科技教育体制的改革

    Casual taik about reform of China Education System of science and technology

  10. 二十年来,中国高等教育管理体制改革不断深入。2000年,条块分割的管理体制基本上被打破。

    For 20 years , as the reform of the management system of Higher Education in China deepens , the management system of fragmentation pattern basically is broken in 2000 .

  11. 中国图书馆学专业教育体制改革探讨

    On the Reform of Professional Education of Librarianship in China

  12. 文中分析了中国教育体制创新乏力的根本原因,并从六个方面论述了体制创新之策,对中国教育体制改革进行了一些深层次的思考。

    The article also analyzes the root reasons why Chinese education cannot be well innovated , expounds , from six aspects , the policies on the system innovation and puts forth some valuable thoughts on the innovation of the Chinese educational system .