
  1. 两宋三百年是中国思想文化史上一个非常重要的阶段。

    The 300 years of the Two Songs was a very important phase in the history of Chinese thought and culture .

  2. 《仪礼》是儒家礼学著作三礼之一,又是儒家经典著作十三经之一,在中国思想文化史上占有极其重要的地位,是我们研究传统文化和建设现代文明不可忽略的重要内容;

    As one of the Thirteen Confucian Classics , YiLi occupies an important position in the history of Chinese thought and culture .

  3. 《论衡》作为东汉时期著名的哲学著作,在中国思想文化史上有着重要地位。

    Lun Heng is an outstanding philosophical work in the Eastern Han Dynasty , which takes an important position in the history of Chinese ideology and culture .

  4. 马一浮先生是20世纪中国思想文化史上的著名学者,也是现代新儒家的代表人物,被誉为千年国粹,一代儒宗。

    Mr. Ma Yi-fu is a representative figure of the twentieth century , the famous scholar of the history of Chinese thought and culture , modern Neo-Confucianism .

  5. 它极大丰富和发展了先秦时期的思想文化,在中国思想文化史上具有十分重要的意义。

    It greatly enriches the development of the pre Qin period of Ideology and culture , so it has the very vital significance in the Chinese ideological cultural history .

  6. 魏晋自然精神是中国思想文化史上最亮丽的一颗流星,是魏晋玄学家们集体智慧的结晶。

    The essence of nature is the resplendent shooting star in the history of culture and ideology in China , and is a crystallization of wisdom of the dark learning scholars in the Northern Wei and Jin Dynasty .

  7. 嵇康、阮籍作为魏晋时代的代表人物,他们把魏晋玄学发展到了鼎盛时期,在中国思想文化史上名誉古今。

    As representative figures in the Wei and Jin Dynasties , Ji Kang and Ruan Ji developed metaphysics in Wei and Jin to the prime of it , and for which they are famous in the history of Chinese ideology and culture .

  8. 他的思想体系&船山学说,对中国近代思想文化史产生了深远的影响;

    His system of thought-Quanshan theory , has produced profound influence on Chinese Modern thought and culture history ;

  9. 在中国近代思想文化史上,冯桂芬是个过渡性的人物。

    In the history of modern Chinese thought and culture , Feng Guifen was a feudalism capitalism transitional figure .

  10. 对中国近代思想文化史上存在的许多难以解释的现象,用代际理论就能够予以很好的阐释。

    We can explain many historical events in the modern cultural history of China easily if we use the theory of generations .

  11. 老子提出不言之教,在中国思想文化发展史上有着特殊的意义。

    Lao Tzi 's thought of " teaching without words " has special significance in the history of the Chinese thought and culture .

  12. 由于学术与诗的密切联系,还有学术变,诗也变的现象。现代学者的旧体诗词不同于一般的遗老遗少之作,在现代中国思想学术文化史研究中具有重要的价值。

    The ancient-styled poems of modern scholars are different from those of the past poets and have significance in the researches of Chinese modern thoughts , learning and culture .

  13. 胡适与钱玄同的交往和思想,从某一个方面反映了中国近代思想文化史发展前进的足迹。

    In a sense , the communication and the different thoughts between them is a reflection of the trace of the development of the Chinese culture and thought in modern times of China .

  14. 宋明理学在中国思想文化发展史上具有重要意义,它占据社会思想主导地位长达数百年之久,影响力深远。

    The Neo-Confucianism plays a significant role in the history of the development of ancient Chinese traditional culture thought ; it occupies a dominant position in social thought for hundreds of years and has profound influence .

  15. 先秦诸子探讨人之为人的根由是什么,礼义便相应地走入人之为人的本质内涵之中,且在中国思想文化发展史中一直占据着主导地位,凸显出强烈关注整体存在的基本特征;

    A great of thinkeres of Qin-dynasty before probed into what to base on Man as Man , correspondingly , etiquette put into the essence with man , always occupies an important position in Chinese culture , protruding a basic feature with strongly paying close attention to the whole being .

  16. 在二十世纪的中国思想史、文化史、文学史上,胡风是一个无法避开的人物。

    Hu Feng was a so important figure that no one can skip him over in Chinese history of ideas , culture and literature in 20th century .

  17. 桃源在中国思想史和文化史上是一个包蕴着特殊文化内涵的意象,对后世的思想和文学创作有着深远的影响。

    The Land of Peach Blossoms has specially cultural meaning in Chinese history of thought and culture . It has deep influence to the thought and literary creation .

  18. 所以韩愈不单是唐代文化学术史上承前启后转旧为新关捩点之人物也,也是整个中国思想史、文化史上不可忽略的重要人物。

    So , Han Yu not only is a key person who succeeded former and enlightened latter in the cultural academic history of Tang Dynasty , but is not be neglected person in all Chinese ideological and cultural history .

  19. 《大学》是中国思想史、文化史上深有影响的儒家经典,但在其成书年代、思想的学派归属以及若干思想范畴的阐释上却历来多有争议,至今远未得到解决。

    The Great Learning is one of the most influential classic of Confucius School in both Chinese Historical Thoughts and cultural history , yet certain argumentations on this text 's writing completion , school belonging and other thought category explanations have not settle down till today .

  20. 加强对本选题的研究,有助于我们更加深刻的透视、把握中国传统文化在近代社会的发展趋势,加深对中国近代思想文化史的认识;

    It can help us to grasp the trend of Chinese traditional culture in the modern society .