
  • 网络China Working Group;China Task Force
  1. 从而结束中国工作组的工作。

    Thus wrapping up the historic mission of the WTO Working Party on China .

  2. 去年以来,经过几轮中国工作组会议,谈判取得了重要进展。

    After several rounds of meetings of the China work team since last year , major progress has been achieved in negotiation .

  3. 作为正为这项国际合作起草方案的中国工作组的一员,姜克隽说这项合作能否成功将有可能在接下来的几个月里见分晓。

    Jiang , a member of China 's working group preparing a draft for this international partnership , says an agreement is likely to be finalised over the next few months .

  4. 一位不愿具名的马来西亚官员表示,中国工作组提出动用更多资源来帮助加快失联飞机的搜救工作,马来西亚官员则提供了一份搜救进展报告。

    A Malaysian government official who didn 't want to be named said the Chinese team offered to deploy more of its resources to help speed up the search for the missing plane , while Malaysian officials offered a progress report .

  5. 注意到载于WT/ACC/CHN/49号文件的《中国加入工作组报告书》(“工作组报告书”)

    Taking note of the Report of the Working Party on the Accession of China in document WT / ACC / CHN / 49 (" Working Party Report ")

  6. 中国加入工作组报告书

    Report of the working party on the accession of China

  7. 95.中国与工作组成员就货物贸易进行了双边市场准入谈判。

    95 . China undertook bilateral market access negotiations on goods with members of the Working Party .

  8. 我于06年2月被选为华理爱因斯特学生圈会长,现在是爱因斯特中国精英工作组成员。

    I was elected as the chairman of IAESTE campus circle in Feb. 2006 , and now is one of elites program members in exchange work .

  9. 正如《中国入世工作组报告》中所提及的,一些WTO成员方将中国国有银行提供的贷款视作补贴。

    In the Report of the Working Party on the Accession of China , some WTO members have identified state support through the banking system , notably state-owned banks , as subsidies .

  10. 提出建立一个专门针对中国的特别工作组,旨在搜集中国不公平贸易的证据,提供与美中贸易相关的政策和建议。

    It was proposed that the U.S. establish a special work team aiming at China .

  11. 国际生命科学学会中国肥胖问题工作组推荐体重指数分类标准的血脂谱验证

    Validation of lipids on body mass index reference recommended by Obesity Working Group , International Life Science Association of China

  12. 秦刚称,中国派出的工作组会见了马来西亚航空负责人,要求马来西亚航空照料好这批家属,并向家属及时通报相关工作进展情况。

    ' Chinese authorities met with representatives of Malaysia Airlines ( in Kuala Lumpur ) and asked them to better handle issues related to the family of the passengers and to meet their demands for accurate information on the search , ' he said .

  13. 中国国际矿业企业工作组

    China lnternational Mining Group

  14. 去年5月份,中国派遣一支工作组前往被马来西亚视为该国领土的南中国海最南端,工作组包括一艘两栖登陆舰。

    Last May it sent a task force including an amphibious landing ship to the farthest southern reaches of the area , which Malaysia considers its territory .

  15. 国际上一些公司和组织已经开发出一些相关的技术标准和通讯规范,本文简单介绍了中国家庭网络标准工作组制定的一种应用于家庭控制网络的通讯协议。

    On the international some companies and organizations already developed some related technical standards and the communication standard , this article simply introduced the Chinese home network standard work team formulates one kind applies in the family control network communication protocol .

  16. 126.中国代表表示,中国已经根据某些工作组成员提出的意见,修改了附件3。

    126 . The representative of China stated that China had modified Annex 3 on the basis of the comments raised by certain members of the Working Party .

  17. 世界贸易部长级会议在11月10日通过协商一致的方式通过了中国加入世界贸易组织所需要的文件&《中国入世工作组报告》和《入世议定书》。

    The WTO 's Ministerial Conference approved on November10th by consensus the text of the documents required for China 's entry into the WTO .

  18. 结束了中国加入世贸组织的实质性谈判,完成了中国加入世贸组织的议定书、中国工作组报告书等多边法律文件的起草工作。

    The substantive negotiation on china 's WTO entry was concluded with the drafting of the protocol , working party report and other multilateral legal documents regarding china 's WTO accession completed .

  19. 中国学龄儿童腰围适宜界值点的研究已有报道,但是以中国肥胖问题工作组制定的儿童BMI标准为基准,探讨中国儿童腰围界值点的研究仍然没有。

    Chinese school-age children Waist appropriate cutoff point has been reported . But there still be not to have research for Chinese children waist cutoff point with BMI of China Obesity Task Group to develop standards as a benchmark .