
  1. 这支队伍是由来自中国广东工业大学的师生组成的,他们没有一个人是从事专业艺术表演的。

    This team is composed of teachers and students from Guangdong University of Technology in China and none of them is engaged in professional artistic performances .

  2. 中国·哈尔滨工业大学建筑设计研究院招聘外籍设计人员启事

    Job Available for Foreign Staff in Architectural Design and Research Institute of HIT , China

  3. 您也欢迎来到中国,沈阳工业大学,学习汉语,学士学位和硕士学位。

    And you are also welcomed to china , Shenyang University of technology to study Chinese and further diploma course for ba , and ma .

  4. 个别硼碳化物纳米线在苏黎世和瑞士进行了测试,紫外线照射测试是在中国的浙江工业大学进行的。

    Tests on individual boron-carbide nanowires were carried out in Zurich , Switzerland , and ultraviolet irradiation tests were performed in Zhejiang University of Technology in China .