
  • 网络Chinese Family;family life in china
  1. 历史英雄:我中国家庭的遗产

    Heroes of History : Legacy of My Chinese Family

  2. 中国家庭会竭力让你有宾至如归的感觉。

    The Chinese family go out of their way to make you feel at home .

  3. 有客人拜访时,中国家庭的主任通常会沏茶待客。

    When you visit a Chinese family , the host usually makes tea for you .

  4. 如果外国人访问一个中国家庭,他们会为他们作为客人所受到的热情而感到惊讶。

    If foreigners visit a Chinese family , they would be surprised at the warmth that they would receive as guests .

  5. 官方数据显示,2008年,中国家庭消费仅占GDP的36%,而固定资产投资占到了47%。

    Official data indicate that Chinese households consumed just 36 per cent of GDP in 2008 , while gross fixed capital formation amounted to 47 per cent of GDP .

  6. 券商里昂证券(CLSA)的数据显示,只有三分之一的中国家庭有宽带连接。

    Only a third of Chinese households have broadband connections , say brokerage CLSA data .

  7. 在一个新的多平台系列中,安特托昆博、利拉德和汤普森将与蔡徐坤、陪着万千中国家庭一起庆祝NBA和春节假期。

    Antetokounmpo , Lillard and Thompson star alongside Cai Xukun in a new multiplatform series to celebrate the NBA and the holidays with family .

  8. 如果股市下跌一半,中国家庭会损失相当于gdp20%的账面财富,与美国股市下跌15%对经济造成的影响差不多。

    If the stock market drops by half , households lose 20 per cent of GDP in paper wealth , similar to the impact of a 15 per cent drop of the US market on its economy .

  9. 然而,LouisKuijs&世界银行的一位经济学家声称,中国家庭的储蓄率为16%,并不是一个过高的数据;

    However , Louis Kuijs , an economist at the World Bank , says that China 's household saving rate , at16 % of GDP , is not abnormally high ;

  10. 而根据经纪公司里昂证券(CLSA)的研究,去年中国家庭宽带用户也增长到了1.91亿,是此前五年的三倍。

    Home broadband use has also risen , to 191m last year , a threefold rise from five years prior , according to research by CLSA , the brokerage .

  11. 中国家庭与老年人居住安排的变化

    Family and Changes of Living Arrangement of the Elderly in China

  12. 金融危机对中国家庭经济行为的影响

    Impact of Financial Crisis on Economic Behavior of China 's Familes

  13. 当代中国家庭结构变动分析

    The Changing Family Structure in Contemporary China : An Analysis

  14. 中国家庭养老方式的演变与选择

    Evolution and Choice of Chinese Household Care for the Aged

  15. 21世纪中国家庭体育的发展趋势与对策

    Development Trend and Countermeasures of China 's Family Sports in 21st Century

  16. 不是所有中国家庭都能供养大学生。

    Every Chinese family is not able to afford a college student .

  17. 富裕的中国家庭会购买这些建筑珍宝来作为投资。

    Rich Chinese families have bought these architectural treasures as an investment .

  18. 中国家庭道德的困境及其应对

    The Predicaments Of Chinese Family Morality and Their Countermeasures

  19. 中国家庭拥有的砖头太多而股票不多。

    A typical Chinese family owns too many bricks and not enough stocks .

  20. 中国家庭农庄的发展趋势·存在问题和发展路径选择

    The Development of Trend , Problem and Chosen Route of the Family Farm

  21. 几乎每个中国家庭都有一台电视机。

    Almost every Chinese family has one TV set .

  22. 为什么中国家庭不说这句话呢?

    Why don 't Chinese families use those words ?

  23. 很多经济学家都觉得中国家庭储蓄太多。

    Many economists think Chinese households save too much .

  24. 我们仍不清楚政策放宽后中国家庭会有什么样的反应。

    It 's unclear how Chinese families would respond to a relaxed policy .

  25. 中国家庭成员非常亲密,在很大程度上互相依靠。

    Chinese families are very close and depend on each other a lot .

  26. 而且在中国家庭都是独生子女,我也是。

    And because chinese family alway only have one child , like me .

  27. 中国家庭养老研究述评

    A review of the researches on providing for the aged in household in china

  28. 这两个概念都不是从中国家庭本位的传统伦理文化中自发生成的。

    The two concepts are not spontaneously originated from the Chinese tradition ethics culture .

  29. 丁克家庭的增长冲击了传统的中国家庭观念。

    The increase in DINK families has shattered the traditional idea of Chinese family .

  30. 当代中国家庭同样未能幸免。

    It is also inevitable in Chinese families .