
  • 网络Comac;Cacc
  1. 上周五,浙江省政府、波音公司和中国商用飞机有限责任公司(COMAC)签署了一份框架协议。

    The Zhejiang Provincial Government , the Boeing Company , and Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China , Ltd. ( COMAC ) signed a framework agreement last Friday .

  2. ARJ21-700由中国商用飞机有限责任公司(COMAC)制造,是中国首架支线飞机,依据不同外形,可装载78到90名乘客。

    TheARJ21-700 , made by the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd. ( COMAC ) , is China'sfirst homegrown regional airliner and can seat 78 to 90 passengers depending onits configuration .

  3. 2008年5月11日,中国商用飞机有限责任公司挂牌成立,标志着国产大型飞机项目的正式启动。

    On 11th May , 2008 , Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China was founded which set an official launch of the Chinese trunk-liner program .

  4. 该机型的设计方之一中国商用飞机有限责任公司预期将在一年内启用这种飞机。

    Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China , one of the designers of the aircraft , expects the plane to be in operation within a year .

  5. 波音公司和中国商用飞机有限责任公司合作建立了一个航空生物示范项目,该项目将把废弃食用油,即人们常说的地沟油,转化为航空生物燃料。

    Boeing and Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China today opened a demonstration facility that will turn waste cooking oil , commonly referred to as gutter oil in China , into sustainable aviation biofuel .

  6. ARJ21客机——或21世纪亚洲支线客机——中国打算以此来使中国商用飞机有限责任公司这一国有制造商,与加拿大庞巴迪飞机制造厂以及巴西航空工业公司竞争。

    The ARJ21 - or Asian Regional Jet for the21st Century - is intended to make its state-owned manufacturer , CommercialAircraft Corp. of China , acompetitor to Bombardier Inc. of Canadaand Brazil'sEmbraer SA .