
  1. 中国古代教育传播媒介与传播技术述论

    Comments on Ancient China 's Education Diffusion Media and Technology

  2. 家庭教育一直是中国古代教育的基础与核心。

    Family education was the basis and core of education in ancient China .

  3. 中国古代教育有着悠久的历史,产生了许多伟大的教育家。

    Chinese ancient education had a long history and brought about many great thinkers .

  4. 摘要中国古代教育智慧源远流长,博大精深。

    The educational wisdom of ancient China which has a long history is profound .

  5. 它是中国古代教育文化与政治统治的标志。

    It is the symbol of Chinese ancient educational idea and the political supremacy .

  6. 为弄清中国古代教育思想发展的渊源与承继关系,不研究《尚书》是不行的。

    The study of ShangShu provides the sources and heritage necessary for understanding ancient Chinese educational thought .

  7. 作为中国古代教育的一个重要形式,它具有独特的大学特征和大学精神。

    As a key education institution , The ancient academy had the unique university characteristics and spirit .

  8. 在中国古代教育史上,书院教学持续近千年之久。

    In the educational history of ancient China , the academic teaching lasted for nearly a thousand years .

  9. 中国古代教育以思想道德教育为主,积累了丰富的思想和宝贵的经验。

    Chinese ancient education laid much emphasis on ideological and moral education , hence accumulating rich thinking and valuable experience .

  10. 延续了1300年的科举制度,更是从实际上保持了中国古代教育这种本质上的大语文特性。

    The imperial examination , which lasted for 1300 years , preserved the characteristic of the education of ancient China & general Chinese .

  11. 中国古代教育曾有过辉煌的历史,但在步入近代社会时却暴露了一些弊端。

    In China , ancient education had the glorious times , but it had its disadvantages when the education enters the modern society .

  12. 中国古代教育体系始终以儒学教育为主流,职业教育一直受到轻视。

    Confucianism education is the mainstream of ancient educational system in China all the time , and vocational education is neglected all long .

  13. 通过对隋、唐、宋、元、明、清六个朝代科举制的历史沿革及其对当时教育影响的分析,总结出科举考试与中国古代教育(主要是学校教育)关系的历史演变规律。

    The writing recalls the relation between the ancient education and the history of the imperial examination from the Sui Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty .

  14. 在中国古代教育思想中,全人教育的思想雏形已散见于诸多典籍之中。

    Ancient times education thought in China , " the perfect person education " the thought embryonic form has dispersed seen in many ancient books .

  15. 中国古代教育有利于小农经济生产关系的巩固和维持,并通过促进科学技术的发展推动经济的繁荣。

    Education in ancient China helped to stabilize and sustain the productive relations of the ancient agricultural economy , resulting in prosperity in economy through the development of science and technology .

  16. 科举文化遗产包括物质形态和非物质形态两大类,兼具传统考试文化、儒学文化和民族语言文化的性质,在中国古代教育史、文化史上占有重要地位。

    The cultural heritage of the Chinese imperial examination ( CIE ), both tangible and intangible , simultaneously embraces the properties of traditional culture , Confucian culture , and national linguistic culture .

  17. 孔子是我国伟大的教育思想家和教学实践家,他的教育学说为中国古代教育奠定了理论基础,其教学思想在我国教育史上占有重要地位。

    Confucius was Chinese great thinker and educational practitioner , whose educational theories formed theoretical basis of Chinese ancient education , and whose pedagogic thoughts played an important role in Chinese educational history .

  18. 通过对此课题的研究,我了解到:宋代是中国古代教育的历史性转折时期,其教育发展繁荣的程度超过以往任何朝代。

    After the study of this task , I learned that Sung Dynasty is the transitional period of Chinese ancient education , and its education level is higher than any other dynasty in the history .

  19. 中国古代教育智慧概述:主要是对中国古代教育的生成背景、伦理基础、基本特征、逻辑结构进行详细介绍,作为整个研究的基础。

    Overview of the ancient wisdom of Chinese education : mainly including the formation of ancient Chinese education background , ethical basis , basic characteristics , details of logical structure as the basis for the entire study .

  20. 中国古代教育,从理论到实际,从经验到专著,都是极为丰富的,在世界古代教育史上占有着重要的地位。

    The education in ancient China , which is rich in practice as well as theory , works as well as experience , plays an important part in the history of the world 's education in ancient times .

  21. 中国古代教育智慧的具体内涵:主要从理性、进取、蕴序、内省和政治情怀五个方面来阐述中国古代教育智慧的具体内涵,其中不乏细致的分析。

    The wisdom of ancient Chinese education which has a specific content : mainly from the rational , progressive , order , introspection and political sentiments to elaborate the five aspects of ancient Chinese wisdom of the specific content of education . Many of them are analyzed in detail .

  22. 我们抛弃了中国古代语文教育的宝贵经验。

    We have throwed away Chinese ancient valuable experience of education .

  23. 中国古代音乐教育的转向

    A change in the orientation of ancient Chinese musical education

  24. 中国古代科技教育述评

    A Review of Science and Technology Education in Ancient China

  25. 中国古代医学教育体制研究

    A Study on the System of Chinese Ancient Medicine Education

  26. 中国古代宗族教育的核心&孝道

    The Core of Patriarchal Clan Education in Ancient China-Filial Piety

  27. 中国的古代教育思想闻名全球。

    China is famous for her brilliant ancient education thoughts .

  28. 中国古代职业教育思想及人物观点撷要

    Outline of the Points of Ancient Vocational Education Thought and People In China

  29. 中国古代蒙学教育文化散论

    Random Notes on the Chinese Ancient Initiation Education Culture

  30. 指出了它在中国古代农业教育中的成就和价值。农业部规划设计研究院(中国农业工程研究设计院)

    The achievements and value of Chinese ancient agricultural education were worked out .