
  • 网络The Chinese Historical Geography;historical geography
  1. 中国历史地理研究的新进展

    Recent development of historical geography in China

  2. 我从1933年接触中国历史地理到现在已65个春秋。60多年来,我与中国历史地理学结下不解之缘。

    It has been sixty-five years since 1933 when I started my research on the historical geography .

  3. 中国历史地理信息系统(CHGIS)、过去2000年中国环境综合研究、省级断代历史地理信息系统研究相继启动,GIS开始应用于历史地理研究中。

    China Historical GIS ( CHGIS ), investigation of Chinese environment in the past 2000 years , and the development of provincial historical geography information system for a given dynasty have been initiated .

  4. 以往五年间中国历史地理研究几乎在各个分支都取得了坚实的进步。

    The past five years saw a steady progress in almost all fields of researches of Chinese historical geography .

  5. 在中国历史地理研究中,州郡之废置是一个相当重要的问题。

    In the research of the Geography of history , abolition and establishment of a county is quite an important issue .

  6. 摘要顾颉刚在考辨《禹贡》时,涉及中国历史地理的研究,他因此意识到历史地理学的研究对古史研究具有重要意义。

    While researching on Yugong which involved the study of Chinese historical geography , Gu Jie-gang realized that historical geography was very important to ancient Chinese history .

  7. 李长傅先生在华人华侨史、南洋史地、中国历史地理等领域做出了具有开拓性的贡献。

    Li Chang-fu made pioneer contributions to the academic areas of history of Chinese and overseas Chinese , history and geography of Southeast Asia , historical geography of China and so on .

  8. 学术贡献主要体现于:在理论层次上可逐步探索适合于中国历史地理背景的环境解说理论,在应用层次上实现静物遗迹的活化与显现。

    The main scholarly contribution of this paper can be summarized as the following : on theoretical level , it helps us to explore and perfect an environmental interpretative theory that may match the Chinese historical and geographical background ;

  9. 他熟谙中国的历史、地理、社会、文化等方面,不啻是一部活的中国近代史词典。

    He had a sound knowledge of Chinese history , geography , society and culture , like a living dictionary of Chinese contemporary history .

  10. 它以外国人视角来观察、分析和评述中国的历史文化,地理风光、风土民情和社会现象等。

    It looks at China 's history , culture , natural scenery , customs and social phenomena through foreigners'eyes .

  11. 严耕望(1916-1996)是我国现代史学史上著名的中古史研究大家,主要从事中国政治制度史及中国历史人文地理方面的研究。

    Yen Keng-wang ( 1916-1996 ) is a famous modern historian on Ancient Chinese History Study in China . He mainly engaged in the research of History of the Political Systems and Historical Humanities Geography .