
  1. 然而,巴西的霉运为中国创造了机会,2015年一家中国公司获得了1亿美元的重新建造巴西站的合同。

    However , Brazil 's stretch of misfortune has created opportunities for China , with a Chinese company winning the $ 100 million contract in 2015 to rebuild the Brazilian station .

  2. 他毕生为中国创造杰出的成就。

    What great achievement he made for China all his life .

  3. 地平线上永远飞扬着中国创造。

    Chinese creation will fly above the skyline forever and ever .

  4. 日本浪漫主义文学对中国创造社的影响

    The Influence of Romantic Literature in Japan on Chinese Creation Society

  5. 但我希望我们能在中国创造进一步成就。

    But I want our lasting mark to be made in China .

  6. 中国创造由品牌起步

    " Created In China " Begin With Brand Innovation

  7. 2004中国创造元年

    2004 , the First Year of Created in China

  8. 中国创造,那是来自东方响亮的口号。

    Chinese creation is clangorous slogan from the orient .

  9. 中国创造,让世界目光在东方聚焦。

    Chinese creation highlights the world in the orient .

  10. 11月中国创造了7年来首个年出口同比下滑的历史纪录。

    In November , China recorded its first year-on-year export decline in seven years .

  11. 大宗商品的熊市,为中国创造了增加战略储备的机会。

    Low commodity prices give China an opportunity to build up its strategic reserves .

  12. 宝洁公司也为中国创造了很多就业机会。

    His company has also created a lot of job opportunities for Chinese people .

  13. 马云说阿里巴巴直接或间接的为中国创造了4000万个工作岗位。

    Ma said that Alibaba has directly and indirectly created 40million jobs for China .

  14. 中国创造与工业设计

    Design in China or Made in China

  15. 李娜尚未在网球巡回赛上为中国创造历史。

    Li Na is not yet done making history for China on the tennis circuit .

  16. 大量出土的青铜器物表明,中国创造了灿烂的青铜文明。

    Large numbers of unearthed artifacts indicate a high level of ancient bronze civilization in the country .

  17. 但高速经济增长的负面因素,也让中国创造了其它不那么令人艳羡的纪录。

    But the downside of high speed economic growth has seen China set other , less enviable records .

  18. 如果高加索地区的不稳定局势吓退欧洲投资者,这可能会给中国创造更多空间。

    If instability in the Caucasus scares off European investors , that could create more space for the Chinese .

  19. 在过去的30多年,对外贸易的高速增长使中国创造了经济发展的奇迹。

    In the past thirty years , the rapid development of foreign trade has created a miracle of economic development to China .

  20. 他希望促进这个市场进一步壮大&今后三年内在中国创造100万个就业岗位,而不是用收费来扼杀之。

    He wants to help the market grow creating1m jobs in China in the next three years not stifle it with charges .

  21. 所谓的工作岗位创造者布什,给了美元,其实却是在中国创造工作岗位,繁荣他们的经济。

    The dollars given to the so-called job creators by Bush indeed created jobs and a vibrant expanding economy , in China .

  22. 智能自动遮阳单梁双层幕墙&会呼吸的自动遮阳幕墙《发明专利》,中国创造。

    Intelligent automatic sunshade single-beam double-layer curtain wall & breathing automatic sunshade curtain wall is our patent of invention and created by China .

  23. 所以这不但是互联网战略的开端,也充分展示了我们技术的实力,彰显了中国创造的力量。

    So it is not only the beginning of Internet strategy , can we fully demonstrate the strength of technology , demonstrates the Chinese creative force .

  24. 对外贸易不仅为中国创造了大量的就业机会,而且对中国的经济结构调整、技术进步和产业升级产生着极大的促进作用。

    Not only does it create numerous employment opportunities , it facilitates adjustment of the economic structure , development of technology and improvement of industry in China .

  25. 所有这一切都在中国创造了一个西方文化迅速传播的大气候,使西方文化的引进成为一种时代的潮流,掀起了一场西方文化热潮。

    All of this in China has created a rapid spread of western culture into a trend of the times , set off a wave of western culture .

  26. 阿里巴巴,这家在中国创造了“购物节”的公司两年前在巴西开设了葡萄牙语版的网站“全球速卖通”。

    Alibaba , the company credited with creating the " shopping holiday " here in China , a Portugese version of its website , AliExpress , in Brazil two years ago .

  27. “如果这种趋势持续,对外贸易将不仅有利于给中国创造就业机会,还将带来更多的附加价值和利益。”报道指出。

    " If this trend continues , external trade will benefit China not only by creating jobs , but also by generating more added value and profits ," said the report .

  28. 但巴西一连串的不幸给中国创造了机会。2015年,一家中国公司拿下了重建巴西科考站的合同,价值1亿美元。

    Still , Brazil 's stretch of misfortune has created opportunities for China , with a Chinese company winning the $ 100 million contract in 2015 to rebuild the Brazilian station .

  29. 她还说,如果这种疫苗研发成功,这将给国际卫生组织留下深刻印象,为中国创造更多机会来为发展中国家供应廉价和高质量的药品。

    She adds if the vaccine development is successful , it will impress international health organisations , creating more opportunities for China to supply cheap , quality drugs to the developing world .

  30. 人民币升值将在中国创造更多的富人,比其他任何地方的新兴市场,上海宝盛的新兴市场经济学家斯蒂芬•霍弗表示。

    A rising yuan will create more wealthy individuals in China than anywhere else in the emerging markets , Stefan Hofer , emerging markets economist of Julius Baer , said in Shanghai .