
  • 网络mainland China;China Mainland
  1. 中国内地投资者一直在等待IPO重启。

    Mainland investors have already waited for IPOs to return .

  2. 这部电影已经刷新中国内地电影的几个记录,其中就包括国产3D电影零点场最高票房。

    The film has broken several records for the Chinese mainland including highest midnight screening box office for a domestic 3D film .

  3. 中国内地学者在Nature和Science发表论文统计分析

    Statistic Analysis on the Papers in Nature and Science By Chinese Inland Authors

  4. 近半个世纪来,华润(ChinaResources)的业务就是在香港销售中国内地货品及大宗商品。

    For almost half a century , the business of China Resources was selling Chinese goods and commodities in Hong Kong .

  5. riskmetrics指出,在中国内地和香港,小股东也面临某些共同风险。

    Risk metrics noted minority shareholders in the two jurisdictions do face some common risks .

  6. 自2000年以来,中国内地IPO始终保持着高水平的单日平均回报率。

    Since the start of the decade , Chinese IPOs have consistently produced high average one-day returns .

  7. 数百家亟需资金的中国内地企业纷纷挑选上市顾问,帮助它们完成首次公开发行(IPO)。

    Hundreds of cash-hungry mainland companies had picked advisers to help them achieve an initial public offering .

  8. 事实上,2008年后,欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)已经认定中国内地会计准则等同于欧盟(EU)采用的《国际财务报告准则》。

    Indeed , since 2008 , the European Commission has deemed mainland standards as equivalent to IFRS as adopted by the European Union .

  9. 中国内地极有可能将相当大一部分外汇储备投向亚洲最有影响力的无形力量&竹网(bamboonetwork)。

    There is a very good chance the mainland will direct a significant share of its reserves towards Asia 's most powerful yet invisible force – the bamboo network .

  10. GE在中国内地有1.5万名员工,而在香港的员工人数很少。

    While GE had 15,000 employees on the mainland , it had very few people in Hong Kong .

  11. 11月份的消息是iPhone4S将于12月份在中国内地上市。

    The news in November was that it would arrive on the mainland in December .

  12. 渣打银行在中国内地建立了外资银行中最大的分行网络之一,同时持有中国小型银行渤海银行(BohaiBank)19.99%的股权。

    StanChart has built one of the largest branch networks in China among foreign lenders and holds a19.99 per cent stake in Bohai Bank , a small mainland lender .

  13. 作为香港股市的运营商,香港交易所(HongKongExchangesandClearing)股价跳升8.8%,至238.40港元,因市场预计该公司将受益于来自中国内地的资金流。

    Bourse operator Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing jumped 8.8 per cent to HK $ 238.40 amid optimism that it would benefit from the inflow of Chinese cash .

  14. 作为唯一获准在中国内地播出的民营华语电视台,凤凰卫视(PhoenixSatelliteTV)的北京办事处却坐落在钓鱼台国宾馆,尽显其特殊的地位。

    Phoenix Satellite TV , the only private network allowed to broadcast in China in Chinese , demonstrates its special status by having its Beijing offices in the Diaoyutai state guesthouse .

  15. 麦格理分析师rachelli表示,中国内地最大券商中信证券(citicsecurities)今年上半年的股本回报率仅为5.3%。

    CITIC Securities , the largest mainland broker , reported first-half return on equity of only 5.3 per cent , according to Rachel Li , a Macquarie analyst .

  16. 又一批中国内地公司选择在香港进行规模超过10亿美元的首次公开发行(IPO),突显出香港对希望上市融资的内地企业依然充满吸引力。

    Hong Kong has landed another batch of $ 1bn-plus initial public offerings of Chinese companies , underscoring its ongoing attraction to mainland companies wishing to raise capital .

  17. 但prada在整个中国内地仅有14家门店,还不及东京一个城市多。

    But Prada has just 14 stores across the entire mainland , fewer than in Tokyo .

  18. 此外还有新的跨市场ETF,它们将在中国内地上市,投资于在上海和深圳交易所上市的股票。

    There are also the new cross-market ETFs , China-listed prospects investing in stocks listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges .

  19. 与许多竞争对手一样,雷曼兄弟正渴望获准投资中国内地券商,以便从不断飙升的首次公开发行(ipo)和零售交易委托中获利。

    Like many of its rivals , Lehman Brothers is itching to be allowed to invest in a domestic brokerage , to benefit from soaring initial public offering and retail trading commissions .

  20. 去年,中国内地企业通过IPO,在上海、深圳和香港交易所的筹资总额达到了创纪录的1000亿美元,规模远远超过纽约或伦敦等老牌证交所。

    Mainland companies last year raised a record $ 100bn in IPOs on exchanges in Shanghai , Shenzhen and Hong Kong – far more than established bourses in New York or London .

  21. 但真正能证明emba价值的地方,却是亚洲,特别是香港和中国内地。

    But it is in Asia , and in particular Hong Kong and China , where the EMBA is really proving its worth .

  22. 包括摩根大通(JPMorgan)和巴克莱(Barclays)在内的数家外资银行,正争先恐后地在中国内地申请证券合资企业牌照,以便承销首次公开发行(IPO),并交易中国国内股票。

    Several foreign banks , including JPMorgan and Barclays , are scrambling to obtain mainland licences for securities joint ventures able to underwrite initial public offerings and trade domestic stocks .

  23. 现在,越来越多的中国内地人用云南白药(YunnanBaiyao)牙膏刷牙,吃伊利(Yili)冰淇淋,或者给婴儿使用恒安(Hengan)纸尿裤。

    More and more mainlanders are brushing their teeth with Yunnan Baiyao toothpaste , eating Yili ice cream or putting nappies made by Hengan on their babies .

  24. ThomsonFinancial提供的数据显示,截至11月底,在中国内地股市进行的IPO共融资535.6亿美元,上海证交所的IPO规模已在全球市场中成为佼佼者。

    Through the end of November , IPOs on the domestic markets have raised $ 53.56 billion , according to Thomson Financial , putting the Shanghai Stock Exchange at the top of the IPO charts globally .

  25. 1993年7月,青岛啤酒(TsingtaoBrewery)成为第一家在香港证交所上市的中国内地企业,创造了历史。

    In July 1993 , Tsingtao Brewery made history when it became the first mainland Chinese company to list on the Hong Kong stock exchange .

  26. 其他分析师表示,近来出现的首日涨幅较小现在又出现下跌的趋势在很大程度上反映出,自一项非正式的IPO禁令于去年6月得到解除以来,中国内地公司的IPO定价策略已变得过于激进。

    Other analysts said the recent trend for small first day jumps and now falls largely reflect excessively aggressive pricing on the part of mainland companies since an unofficial ban on IPOs was lifted last June .

  27. 包括着眼亚洲的券商里昂证券(clsa)在内的其它一些海外集团,也已与中国内地合作伙伴签署了设立人民币基金的初步协议。

    Other overseas groups , including CLSA , the Asian-focused brokerage , have also signed preliminary plans with mainland partners to set up renminbi funds .

  28. 结果表明,我国的SCI、SSCI论文呈指数增长,高引文数量虽有增长,但增长速度远远不及论文数量增长的速度,而且中国内地高校院所入围Highlycited。

    The results shows that the Chinese SCI & SSCI papers have an exponential increase , and the Chinese highly cited papers also have a sharp increase .

  29. 上周末,陈可辛的电影公司“我们制作”(WePictures)宣布,他将导演又一部中国内地主题的新电影:网球明星李娜,她是迄今唯一的一位来自亚洲的大满贯单打冠军。

    Last weekend , Mr. Chan 's We Pictures company announced that he would be directing a new film about another mainland Chinese subject : the tennis star Li Na , the only Grand Slam singles champion ever to come from Asia .

  30. 本文试图从理论上分析中国内地证券市场实施QFII制度的原因,以及国际资本通过QFII进入中国投资的动因。考察了QFII制度的国际经验,以供内地证券市场借鉴。

    This article attempts to analyze the reason why China inland security market implements QFII system theoretically , and international securities capital wants to invest China inland security market through QFII .