
  • 网络Chinese traditional garden;Traditional Chinese garden
  1. 中国传统园林洞门中图底关系的审美原则初探

    On Aesthetic Principles of " The Relation Between Figure and Ground " in Traditional Chinese Garden Doorway

  2. 杭州西湖风景园林是研究中国传统园林理论与实践的重要样本。

    Hangzhou West Lake landscape is an important sample to study the theory and practice of traditional Chinese garden .

  3. 中国传统园林与现代景观设计的传承与创新

    Inheritance and Innovation of Chinese Traditional Garden in Modern Landscape Design

  4. 中国传统园林之文化关联探析

    Reasearch on the Cultural Connection of the Traditional Chinese Gardens

  5. 中国传统园林在现代小区景观设计中的应用

    Application of Chinese Traditional Garden to Landscape Design in Modern Residential Area

  6. 中国传统园林建筑审美意向的基本特征初探

    The study of chinese tradition-garden 's basic characters in aesthetics

  7. 论风水三大原则与中国传统园林设计的关系

    The Three Main Principles of Fengshui and Traditional Chinese Gardening

  8. 中国传统园林植物构成的文化社会学解读

    The Analysis of Plant Constitution of Chinese Traditional Garden in Cultural Sociology

  9. 关于中国传统园林文化认知与传承的几点思考

    Considerations on the Cognition and Inheritance of Chinese Traditional Culture in Gardening Art

  10. 中国传统园林的境界追求及其关联语汇探源

    The Realm of Chinese Traditional Gardens and Associated Vocabulary

  11. 佛道文化与中国传统园林

    The Buddhist and Taoist Culture and Chinese Traditional Garden

  12. 浅析道家哲学对中国传统园林景观美学的影响

    On the influences of Taoistic philosophy on landscape aesthetics of Chinese traditional garden

  13. 中国传统园林艺术对西方园林的影响

    The Influence of Chinese Traditional Garden in Western Garden

  14. 园桥是中国传统园林艺术中一种独特的建筑形式。

    The garden-bridge is a very individual architecture style in Chinese traditional garden arts .

  15. 造园与露天空间&中国传统园林设计手法的当代应用

    Gardening and open space & contemporary using of design method of Chinese traditional garden

  16. 中国传统园林的虚实相生与心物交融

    The False Coexisting with the True and Spirit Mingling with Material in Chinese Traditional Gardening

  17. 论中国传统园林设计中的空间表达

    Space Expression in Chinese Traditional Landscape Design

  18. 中国传统园林植物的人文思想

    Humanistic Idea of Chinese Traditional Ornamental Plants

  19. 对现代城市人性化空间创造的思考&从中国传统园林谈起

    The Thought on the Creation of Humanized Space in Modern Cities ── To Speak of Chinese Traditional Garden

  20. 而中国传统园林的设计元素与现代设计理念的完美结合,形成了其鲜明的艺术特色;

    The perfect combination of the Chinese traditional garden design and modern theory forms its distinctive artistic feature .

  21. 中国传统园林秉承了中国哲学中人与自然一体化关系的科学性认识。

    Chinese traditional gardens inherited the scientific thoughts of the integration of people and nature in Chinese philosophy .

  22. 中国传统园林文化地理特征、模式与地理要素关系

    A Study of the Relationship between the Traits & Models of Chinese Traditional Garden Culture and Geographical Factors

  23. 论述了中国传统园林植物造景的艺术特征与手法。

    Have expounded the fact the Chinese traditional garden plant makes the artistic characteristic and tactics of the scene .

  24. 同时由于中国传统园林自身的特点,使廊对传统园林的作用更大,以至几乎到了无一园无廊的程度。

    Owing to characteristics of Chinese traditional gardens , corridor plays an even more important role in Chinese traditional gardens .

  25. 英国自然风景园虽然时常被称为英中式园林,但它同中国传统园林是有很大区别的。

    Although English landscape garden is often called " Jardin Anglo-Chinois ", it is still quite different from traditional Chinese garden .

  26. 中国传统园林一直以来不仅是旅游热点,也是旅游专业研究的对象。

    The Chinese traditional garden is always not only the hot topic in tourism but also the object of study for Tourism .

  27. 本文着重探讨了中国传统园林建筑装饰的类型与装饰艺术的几种主要方法。

    The decoration of Chinese traditional gardening architecture has great and deep art connotation and is the integral parts of gardening arts .

  28. 在这一历史背景下的中国传统园林形式也受到了西方文化的洗礼,呈现出新的发展方向。

    The Chinese traditional landscape was subjected to the baptism of west culture under this history background and presented a new development direction .

  29. 通过分析中国传统园林植物造景现状,探讨园林植物造景的发展方向。

    Through analysing the Chinese traditional garden plant makes the scene , draw the developing direction of making the scene of the garden plant .

  30. 本文对中国传统园林中常用植物的人文思想进行了探讨,对于弘扬我国的园林文化,利用乡土树种进行植物造景有一定的意义。

    A good discussion is given , which is good for carrying forward our traditional garden culture and arranging plants with local materials in landscape .