
  1. 中国传统书法艺术的新视觉审美倾向

    New Visual Aesthetics of Traditional Chinese Calligraphy

  2. 中国传统书法艺术。风格独特,多姿多彩,耐人寻味。

    Works in the second group present the traditional Chinese calligraphy in different styles or skills .

  3. 用优雅的中国传统书法书写,“舞动的北京”展现了体育运动的精神,展现了中国和每一位奥林匹克运动人的风貌。

    Drawn in graceful traditional Chinese calligraphy , " Dancing Beijing " celebrates the spirit of sport , of every Olympian , and of China .

  4. 本文探讨了儒、释、道三家社会意识形态对中国传统书法发展的影响。

    This paper discusses the influence of the three kinds of social ideology from the Confucianism , the Buddhism and the Taoism upon China 's traditional calligraphy .

  5. 所以本文希望能够有一种自动化的方法来生成传统书法,并期望能够在当今的数码时代重新点燃人们对于中国传统书法的关注和兴趣。

    So this thesis proposes an automatic method to generate calligraphy , with the expectation that it may help rekindle interest in traditional Chinese calligraphy in the digital age .

  6. 构成人物的笔划与汉字“京”十分相象,用优美的中国传统书法的独特字体写成,它代表主办城市

    " The figure strokes resemble the Chinese character " Jing " drawn in graceful Chinese calligraphy of a unique style , which stands for the name of the host city "

  7. 在中国传统书法与绘画中积淀着丰厚的文化和艺术营养,不仅如此,传统中国画与书法之间还存有至为密切的关系。

    There are rich and generous factors about culture and arts stored up in traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting , further more , there are close relationship between traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy .

  8. 中国传统书法经过数千年的发展,历经各朝代书法大家的推崇,已自觉形成一种独立的视觉艺术,并深刻的影响着我们的审美情趣及生活方式。

    Chinese Traditional calligraphy after years of development , after all respected calligraphy dynasties , has consciously formed an independent visual arts , and a profound impact on our aesthetic taste and lifestyle .

  9. 要正确认识中国传统书法的笔法问题,必须从书体发展的根本原因上加以研究,应从辨证与运动的角度,充分认识到融合和博取才是发展的必要条件。

    To understand properly the traditional calligraphic techniques , one has to explore the fundamental reasons for the development of calligraphy from a dialectic and dynamic perspective , and be fully aware that fusion and learning widely from others are the requirements for development .

  10. 研究者探讨了对中国传统书法审美研究的过程中,引进西方审美心理学理论的意义和可行性问题,认为应该以中国传统书法理论为根本,与西方理论进行对接。

    The researcher discusses the feasibility and the value of introducing the western aesthetic psychological theories into the aesthetic research of Chinese traditional calligraphy . The researcher believes that there must have a way only when insist the take the traditional calligraphy culture as the root .

  11. 在中国传统文化中,书法艺术积淀丰厚,占据着重要的地位。

    In traditional Chinese culture , the art of calligraphy had abundant components and played an important role .

  12. 他早年来华拜师齐白石学习中国传统文人画和书法。

    He went to China early time to study Chinese traditional literati painting and calligraphy from Qi Bai-shi .

  13. 奥运会徽的名称为“舞动的北京”,它将中国印章和中国传统书法“京”字相结合,以人的形状呈现出来。

    The Olympic emblem , called " dancing beijing ", is in the style of a Chinese seal with the traditional Chinese character " jing " rendered in a human-like form .

  14. 中国传统武术和传统书法艺术是中国特有的民族文化,他们都是中国传统文化宝库里的瑰宝奇珍,当然与整个传统文化有源远流长的密切关系。

    Traditional Wushu of China and traditional handwriting , are nation culture at same time . Both of them are treasures of traditional culture treasure-house . Of course they have closely relationship with all traditional culture .

  15. 它以独具特色的装饰艺术形式将中国的传统绘画、书法与制瓷艺术结合起来,烧制出以黑白对比为主要艺术特色、以白地黑花装饰为典型代表的彩绘瓷器。

    It combined the traditional Chinese painting , handwriting with porcelain-making art in distinctive adornment art form and fired out the colored drawing porcelains which have major artistic features with black and white contrast and typical representative of Painting on white chinaware .