
  • 网络China Enterprise Confederation
  1. 中国企业联合会(ChinaEnterpriseConfederation)所做的一项调查显示,去年中国水泥产能的利用率仅为约三分之二。

    Only about two-thirds of cement capacity was used last year , according to a survey from the China Enterprise Confederation .

  2. 中国企业联合会管理咨询委员会执委单位。

    Executive member of China Enterprise Confederation Management Consultation Committee .

  3. 中国企业联合会近日发布了中国企业500强最新榜单。

    The China Enterprise Confederation ( CEC ) has released its latest list of the country 's top 500 companies .

  4. 2001年,中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会联合评选的“全国十大最具影响力企业”排名第四位;

    In2001 , CHINA PUTIAN ranked the4th among the " China Top10 Most Influential Enterprises " elected by China Enterprises Union and China Entrepreneurs Union .

  5. 上周六,中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会依据2015年的营业收入发布了2016中国企业500强榜单。

    China Enterprise Confederation and China Enterprise Directors Association unveiled the 2016 edition of the Top 500 Chinese Enterprises list last Saturday , based on revenues from 2015 .

  6. 今天,中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会在这里联合举办知识产权保护与自主创新大会,向全国企业发出保护知识产权,使用正版软件的倡议。

    Today , the China Enterprise Confederation and the China Enterprise Directors Association jointly organize the conference on IPR protection and innovation , from which a strong call is being sent to all Chinese enterprises for protecting intellectual property and using authorized software .

  7. 中国电力企业联合会的薛静称用电需求是前所未有的。

    Xue Jing from the China Electricity Council says the demand is unprecedented .

  8. 中国电力企业联合会是全国电力行业企业、事业单位的联合组织、非营利性的社会经济团体。

    China Electricity Council is a trade federation of enterprises and institutions of Chinese power industry and a non-profit social-economic organization .

  9. 2010年12月22日中国电力企业联合会日前表示,到2020年,中国全社会用电量可达8.2万亿千瓦时。

    2010-12-22 The China Electricity Council ( CEC ) projected Tuesday the country 's electricity consumption will increase to8.2 trillion kWh by2020 .

  10. 发改委、中国电力企业联合会以及一些工业分析师都警告说夏季需求达到峰值时电力短缺情况可能会恶化。

    The National Development and Reform Commission , China Electricity Council and some industry analysts have all warned of the possibility of worse shortfalls in summer when demand peaks .

  11. 这次中国企业500强排行榜由中国企业联合会和中国企业家协会第十次向社会发布。

    The list is the10th of its kind to be jointly released by the China Enterprise Confederation and the China Enterprise Directors Association .

  12. 2019中国企业500强去年的营业收入总额达到79万亿元,比上年500强增加了11%。这份榜单由中国企业联合会发布,朱宏任是该联合会了常务副会长兼理事长。

    The enterprises on the list posted record gross operating revenue of 79 trillion yuan last year , those again up 11 percent Zhu Hongren is with China Enterprise Confederation which released the list .