
  • 网络zhongyuan mandarin;Central Plains Mandarin
  1. 通过讨论,我们认为信阳地区是一个方言混合带,不能都划归为中原官话。

    Through discussion , the paper think Xinyang regional dialect is a dialect mixing zone , can not all be classified Zhongyuan Mandarin .

  2. 临汾地处晋语区和中原官话区的过渡地带,其方言在语音、词汇、语法方面都表现出明显的过渡色彩。

    Linfen ( Shanxi Province ) is located in the transition zone of Jin dialect area and Zhongyuan Mandarin area . Its dialect had shown a significant feature of transition in pronunciation , vocabulary and grammar .

  3. 蒲城方言属于北方官话下属中原官话区的陕西关中方言片。

    Pucheng dialect belongs to the Guanzhong sub-dialect of the Zhongyua .

  4. 渭南方言属于北方官话下属中原官话区。

    Weinan dialect belongs to the Zhongyuan dialect of northern mandarin Chinese .

  5. 玄武方言属于中原官话的豫东片。

    Xuanwu dialect belongs to the East Henan Section of Central Plains Mandarin .

  6. 第二章是关于中原官话和江淮官话已有的划分意见。

    The second chapter is about ideas of classifications between Zhongyuan and Jiang-huai mandarin dialects .

  7. 禹州方言隶属北方方言,是中原官话的一个小方言片。

    Yuzhou Dialect is one branch of the central mandarin which is a sub-dialect of the Northern Dialect .

  8. 枣庄市位于山东省南部,根据《中国语言地图集》,枣庄方言属于中原官话郑曹片。

    According to " Atlas of Chinese language ", Zaozhuang dialect belongs to the part of zhengcao dialect in Zhongyuan Mandarin .

  9. 汉中地区蕴藏着极其丰富的方言资源,在汉中市境内,中原官话与西南官话发生接触、交融。

    Hanzhong dialect is rich in resources in Hanzhong City in the Central Plains and the Southwest Mandarin Mandarin exposure , blend .

  10. 枣庄方言隶属于北方方言之中原官话、山东方言之西鲁片。

    Zaozhuang dialect belongs to the Zhongyuan dialect of northern mandarin chinese as well as to the west part of Shandong dialect .

  11. 郑州市是河南省的省会,郑州方言属于北方方言中的中原官话。

    Zhengzhou City is the capital of Henan Province , Zhengzhou dialect belongs to the Mandarin Zhongyuan dialect of the North dialect .

  12. 1987年版的《中国语言地图集》将永济方言划入中原官话汾河片解州小片。

    Yongji dialect is put into the Haizhou piece of Feihe piece , Zhongyuan mandarin by the atlas of Chinese language in 1987 .

  13. 入声字在兰银官话、中原官话、东北方言中分派的统计分析

    " Investigate dialect word table " entering tone words in Mandarin silver blue , Zhongyuan Mandarin , northeast of the assignment of dialects

  14. 微山方言属于山东方言西区的西鲁片,为北方官话的中原官话。

    Weishan dialect is subordinate to West Lu area of West region in Shandong dialect , belongs to Zhongyuan Guanhua in Northern Guanhua dialect .

  15. 作为一个文化与语言的输出者,中原官话较少外积型历史层次,缺少文白异读。

    As an " exporter " of culture and language , Central Mandarin has a comparatively small " outside historical layer " and lacks literary and colloquial readings .

  16. 本文为进一步进行本方言词汇、语法研究奠定了基础,为深入考察和比较中原官话汾河片的共时音变提供了语料。

    To further this dialect vocabulary , grammar , research has laid the foundation . Is the support for depth study the sound change in Zhongyuan Mandarin Fenhe state .

  17. 同在江苏境内的苏州方言、扬州方言和徐州方言(以下简称三州方言)分别是吴语、江淮方言和中原官话的地点方言。

    In the same province of Jiangsu , Suzhou dialect , Yangzhou dialect and Xuzhou dialect stand for Wu dialect , eastern Mandarin and Central Plain Mandarin dialect respectively .

  18. 河北省西南部的武安市,处于晋语、冀鲁官话和中原官话犬牙交错的接合过渡地带。

    Wu ' an , a county-level city in southwest of Hebei province , is a transitional zone where Jin Dialect , Zhongyuan Mandarin and Jilu Mandarin dialects ( mainly refer to Shandong and Hebei provinces ) are intertwined .

  19. 本文根据新的调查研究成果,在《中国语言地图集》的基础上讨论了山西、陕西、宁夏境内中原官话的语音特点和内部、外部差异,对三省区的方言区划作了适当调整。

    Based on the latest fieldworks and studies of the phonological features and internal vs. external discrepancies of Zhongyuan Guanhua in Shanxi , Shaanxi provinces and Ningxia Autonomous Region as in The Language Atlas of China , the paper makes some appropriate adjustments .

  20. 为了对三州方言有一个整体的认识,本文分别介绍了吴方言、江淮方言及中原官话的语音特点,并列出苏州方言、扬州方言、徐州方言这三个方言音系表。

    In order to get a general knowledge of " SanZhou dialect ", this paper introduces the phonetic features of Wii dialect , eastern dialect and Central Plain Mandarin dialect , and it also list the phonology table of Suzhou dialect , Yangzhou dialect and Xuzhou dialect respectively .