
zhōng yuán
  • Central Plains;central plains (comprising the middle and lower reaches of the Huanghe River)
中原 [zhōng yuán]
  • (1) [central plains (comprising the middle and lower reaches of the Huanghe River)]∶指黄河中下游地区

  • 北定中原。--诸葛亮《出师表》

  • 北虏僭盗中原。--南朝梁. 丘迟《与陈伯之书》

  • (2) [plain]∶平原;原野

中原[zhōng yuán]
  1. 在挖掘位于中国中原地带的两处遗址坑时,科学家们发现了一些罐子和其他容器的碎片。

    While digging two pits at a site in the central plains of China , scientists discovered fragments from pots and vessels .

  2. 它的由来是由中原传来的。

    The origin of it is coming from the Central Plains .

  3. 雌激素对小鼠骨中原癌基因c-myc蛋白的影响

    Effect of estrogen on the expression of c-myc protein of bone in mice

  4. 说明在胜利中原原油中加入AAMAVA化学降凝剂后其降凝减粘和流变性能改善效果显著。

    These showed that the copolymer of AA-MA-VA is effective against Shengli-Zhongyuan crude oil .

  5. 体外实验中原毒及其组份C的抑癌作用量效关系明显,剂量增大肿瘤生长缓慢甚至完全不生长;

    The relationship of crude venom and its fraction C dose with their tumor inhibition effect in vitro was significantly related to the dose of venom , tumor cells grew slowly or turn cytostatic .

  6. 对其压裂的主要特点、工艺技术等方面做了较详细的介绍和分析,并对中原油田发展液态CO2压裂技术提出了一些建议。

    The main character and technology was introduced and analyzed . Some suggestion was put forward to Zhongyuan Oilfield for the fluid CO 2 fracture .

  7. 胃肠道间质瘤中原癌基因c-kit突变及其蛋白表达

    Expression and mutation of c - kit gene in gastrointestinal stromal tumor

  8. 敲减卵巢中原癌基因c-myc和neu1的表达后,观察原始卵泡启动生长情况。

    The growth of primordial follicles was observed after knocking down the expression of proto-oncogenes c-myc and neul in the ovary .

  9. Husky分层抽汲技术在中原油田的应用

    Application of Husky Zonal Swabbing Technique in Zhongyuan Oilfield

  10. 制定了中原油田卫星通信方案,解决了ISP无法提供提供互连网接入的沙漠、沼泽等野外作业队生产数据实时传输和处理。

    We solved ISP to be unable provides interlocks open country working party production data real-time transmission and processing and so on desert , bog which the net turned on .

  11. 以可持续发展系统观为理论基础,探讨了可持续发展系统分析的指标体系和理论、模型及GIS方法,并以河南省和中原城市群为案例区域进行实证研究。

    Take the sustainable development systematic perspective as the rationale , discusses the target system , theory , model , and the GIS method of the sustainable development system analysis , and conducts real diagnosis research to Henan Province and Zhongyuan city group .

  12. 同时在分析了中原研究所内部优势和劣势,外部环境机遇与威胁等情况的基础上,运用SWOT矩阵分析模型对中原研究所未来应采取的发展战略进行分析。

    Under the opportunity and threat conditions of the external environment , the author uses the SWOT matrix analysis model to analyse the development strategy to be adopted by Zhongyuan Research Institute in the future .

  13. SSG-06固砂剂在中原油田的应用

    Application of the Sand Consolidation Agent SSG-06 in Zhongyuan Oilfield

  14. 钻井液用固相化学清洁剂ZSC-201在中原油田的应用

    Application of Chemical Cleaning Agent ZSC - 201 for Drilling Fluid in Zhongyuan Oil Field

  15. 本文作者运用反应动力学知识和系统工程观点,从基建投资、污水中原有微生物充分利用等方面,对AB工艺与普通活性污泥工艺进行了比较和分析。

    From the viewpoint of reaction kinetics and system engineering , the author analysed AB process and compared it with conventional activated sludge process in such aspects as contruction cost , complete utilization of microorganisms existing in raw sewage , etc. .

  16. 基于原儿茶酸的两种荧光反应,建立了测定棕榈子中原儿茶酸含量的荧光分析新方法,检出限分别为0.17和0.36ngmL-1。

    Based on the fluorescent reactions , new fluorimetric methods for the determination of protocatechuic acid in THW were proposed . The detection limits of the methods were 0.17 and 0.36 ng ml-1 , respectively .

  17. 联合投加石油降解菌(PDB)和表面活性培养液的试验表明,20d后,能降解模拟海水中72%的原油;淡水中原油的降解率达78%;

    After 20d biodegradation , in the co-addition group of PDB and centrifuged surfactant culture , petroleum degradation rate in the simulated seawater can achieve 72 % , and 78 % in the freshwater .

  18. 1997年以来,中原油田从建立完善HSE管理体系入手,通过开展HSE宣传教育,实施评价和风险管理,落实HSE管理计划,提高了环境管理水平,促进了环保工作的开展。

    Since 1997 , environmental management level has been improved and the environmental protection issue has been push forward through establishment and integrating of HSE management system , application of HSE education , adopting evaluation and risk management and carrying out HSE management plan in Zhongyuan oilfield .

  19. 介绍了AutoPLANT三维工厂设计软件在河南驻马店中原气化30万t/a甲醇项目中的具体应用。

    This article mainly introduced the application of AutoPLANT ( 3D plant design software ) in the 300 kt / a methanol project in Zhumadian , Henan province , China .

  20. 在不改变服务器中原DBMS的前提下,只需用一种统一的可扩展语言UXL为各种服务器做一件外观统一的主动服务外套,就可构成所需的主动虚拟服务器。

    By only using a unified extendable language ( UXL ) to wrap each kind of server with a uniform interface active service coat , the active virtual server can be constructed as needed without changing the original DBMS on the server .

  21. 采用国产LSA-10型大孔吸附树脂层析法对山楂原花青素进行分离纯化,在梯度洗脱中,体积分数为50%乙醇溶液的洗脱能力最强,洗脱液中原花青素的干基纯度达83.2%。

    The extraction was purified by LSA-10 macroporous adsorption resin . The step-gradient elution was conducted and the fraction obtained by 50 % alcohol elution contained the most procyanidins up to 83.2 % .

  22. 鉴于目前中原油田油水井严重的出砂状况,进行了SSG-06固砂剂的室内研究及其现场施工应用。

    The paper carries on the laboratory research and field construction & appilcation of the sand consolidation agent SSG-06 for the serious condition of sand production from oil wells and water wells in present . The production and field construction technology is simple and the cost is reduced .

  23. 为了提高盐层段固井质量,中原油田研究开发了TP130TT高抗挤套管,性能试验评价表明,其抗挤强度超过160MPa,并给出了其固井质量评价标准。

    In order to improve cementing quality in salt bed , the TP 130 TT collapsing casing is developed in Zhongyuan oilfield . Quality tests show that its collapsing strength exceeds 160 MP and its evaluating standards of cementing quality are also put forward .

  24. 他在中原油田已经工作两年了。

    He has been working in zhongyun field for two years .

  25. 海洋初级生产过程中原核生物和真核生物的作用

    The roles of prokaryote and eukaryote in marine primary production processes

  26. 中原油田化学堵水调剖技术的发展历程与发展方向探讨

    Development of Chemical Water-Plugging and Profile-Adjusting Technologies in Zhongyuan Oil Fields

  27. 缺血性脑损伤中原代培养神经元凋亡的观察

    Observation of Primary Cultured Neuron Apoptosis in Ischemic Cerebral Injury Model

  28. 本文主要研究了中原高速的税务风险控制。

    This article studies the tax risk control of ZhongYuan Expressway .

  29. 中原油田轻烃深加工技术进展

    Technology Development in Deep Processing of Light Hydrocarbon in Zhongyuan Oilfield

  30. 近代中原外向型经济的发展及其影响

    The Development and Influence of Zhongyuan Exported Economy in Modern Times