
zhōnɡ huá rén mín ɡònɡ hé ɡuó xínɡ fǎ
  • Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China
  1. 第十六条伪造、变造居民身份证的或者窃取居民身份证情节严重的,依照《中华人民共和国刑法》第一百六十七条的规定处罚。

    Article 16 . Whoever forges , falsifies or steals a resident identity card , if the circumstances are serious , shall be penalized according to Article 167 of the Criminal Law of the People 's Republic of China .

  2. 编造虚假恐怖信息犯罪既是《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(三)》增加的一种新型的恐怖活动犯罪,又是实践中发生率高、影响面广的恐怖活动犯罪之一。

    Crime of fabricating false terrorist information is not only a new-type crime of terrorism added in the Amendment ⅲ of the Criminal Law of the People 's Republic of China , but also one of the crimes of terrorism with high incidence and wide influence in practice .

  3. 《中华人民共和国刑法》的产生及基本原则

    The Enactment of the Criminal Law of PRC and its Basic Principles

  4. 关于《中华人民共和国刑法》环境犯罪规定的思考

    Thoughts on Provisions of Environmental Crime in Criminal Law

  5. 修订后的《中华人民共和国刑法》充分体现了这一原则。

    The revised Criminal Law fully embodies this principle .

  6. 首先,《中华人民共和国刑法》第266条用简明罪状的方法对诈骗罪进行了规定。

    First , the " Criminal Law " Section 266 counts with a simple method of fraud has been stipulated .

  7. 在此基础上,2009年2月28日国家颁布了《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(七)》。

    Based on these , the state promulgated the " Criminal Law Amendment ( 7 )" on 8 February 2009 .

  8. 《中华人民共和国刑法》第四十八条规定,死刑只适用于罪行极其严重的犯罪分子。

    The criminal law provisions of article 48 , The death penalty is only applicable to criminals . the most heinous crimes .

  9. 2009年通过的《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(七)》对《中华人民共和国刑法》第三百九十五条规定的巨额财产来源不明罪进行了修改。

    The crime of huge unidentified property provided in the article 395 of the Criminal Law was modified by Criminal Law Amendment ( VII ) passed in 2009 .

  10. 中华人民共和国刑法第七修正案草案重点关注保护个人隐私,组织传销以及内幕交易等犯罪行为。

    The draft of the seventh amendment to China 's criminal law focuses on protecting people 's privacy and places pyramid sales and insider trading under the crimes act .

  11. 现行《中华人民共和国刑法》第269条关于转化型抢劫罪的规定使部分与普通抢劫罪不具同质性的行为也被认定为转化型抢劫罪,具有根本性缺陷。

    According to the Article 269 of the present criminal law , the crime of transformed robbery covers some conducts which do not possess homogeneity with the crime of ordinary robbery .

  12. 通过《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(八)》关于交通肇事罪的修改规定,可以清晰的看到,醉酒驾驶行为已经被纳入刑法的调整范围当中。

    Through the modification about traffic offences crime on 《 Criminal Law Amendment ( eight )》, we can clearly see that drunken driving has been included among the adjustment range of criminal law .

  13. 以暴力、胁迫手段组织残疾人或者不满14周岁的未成年人乞讨的是《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(六)》第17条所新增加的犯罪。

    " Organizing the disabled and children under age of 14 to beg by violence or coerce " is a new crime stipulated by the " PRC Criminal Law Amendment ( 6 )" .

  14. 组织未成年人进行违反治安管理活动罪是《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(七)》第8条新增的一项侵犯公民人身权利的犯罪。

    Crime of organizing minor to violate the public security management is the 8th additional item of " the Criminal Law of the PRC Bill for amendment ( the Seventh )", which encroaches upon the citizen personal rights .

  15. 因而1997年《中华人民共和国刑法》(以下简称《刑法》)将入户抢劫列为抢劫罪的八种法定加重情节之首,突出对入户抢劫刑事犯罪的严厉打击。

    Thus our country 1997 criminal law will receive right of indoor robbery list as the offense of robbery head of eight kind of legal aggravation plot , will highlight robs the criminal offense to the residence the severe attack .