
  1. 因为整个中华上下五千年,真正和平的也仅仅是几十年而已。

    Because the whole Chinese on five thousand years , true peace under only decades just .

  2. 中华上下五千年,传统的国人一直追求着安居乐业的梦想。

    China has long history of five thousand years . Traditional Chinese people has been pursuing the dream of " live and work in peace " .

  3. 中国古典名著《三国演义》堪称是中华上下五千年文化宝库中的一枝奇葩,也是不同时代的电视人爱不释手的一个重要文本。

    Chinese classic " Romance of Three Kingdoms " is a wonderful novel in Chinese thousand years ; TV people in the different times love it .

  4. 古诗词曲是中国文学艺术文化与审美观照的经典表达形式,是中华上下五千年灿烂文明辉煌史的记录和见证。

    Ancient Chinese poetry is the classical literature form featured with a typical and aesthetical outlook , which witnessed and recorded the 5000-year glory and civilization in China .

  5. 中华民族上下五千年,在求生存谋发展的进程中,创造了辉煌的文化,塑造了伟大的民族精神。

    In the process of existing and developing , China who has thousands of years of history , has created splendid culture and sculptured excellent national spirits .

  6. 中华名族上下五千年传统文化,深厚的根基为我们提供了取之不尽用之不竭的素材。

    Five thousand years of Chinese traditional culture provides us with inexhaustible material .