
zhōng nóng
  • middle peasant
中农 [zhōng nóng]
  • [middle peasant] 经济地位在富农和贫民之间的农民。多数占有土地,并有部分生产工具,生活来源靠自己劳动,一般不剥削他人,也不出卖劳动力

中农[zhōng nóng]
  1. 富裕中农是属于中农而与富农密切相关的一个阶层,富裕中农的理论是对农村各阶级更细致、更深入的划分和研究的成果。

    The well-to-do middle peasant stratum is a social stratum which belongs to the middle peasant stratum and is closely related with the rich peasant stratum .

  2. 但是,也有许多党员是地主、富农、资本家家庭出身,或者是富裕中农和城市小资产阶级出身。

    But there are also a number of Party members who hail from landlord , rich peasant and capitalist families , or have a well-to-do middle peasant or urban petty-bourgeois origin .

  3. 但籼稻中农杆菌介导的遗传转化的限速步骤依然是T-DNA整合。

    But T-DNA integration other than T-DNA transfer and nuclear targeting remains to be the rate-limiting step in Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of indica rice . 2 .

  4. 用配有NPD的气相色谱仪、DB1301毛细管柱测定稻田土壤及稻米中农美利的残留量,最低检测浓度为0.01mg/kg、平均回收率为80.4%~99.8%,变异系数为6.3%~11.7%,均达到残留分析的要求。

    Using gas chromatograph equipped with NPD and DB-1301 capillary column , the detection limit is 0.01mg / kg , the mean recovery is 80.4 % ~ 99.8 % , and the coefficient of variation is 6.3 % ~ 11.7 % . The approach has higher sensitivity and less interference .

  5. 中农自己都有相当的工具。

    All of them have a fair number of farm implements .

  6. 《齐民要术》中农产品加工的研究

    Investigation of Agricultural Product Processing Recorded in Qi Min Yao Shu

  7. 贫下中农协会述论

    A Review of the Poor and Lower-middle Peasants ' Associations

  8. 农民这个名称所包括的内容,主要地是指贫农和中农。

    The term peasantry refers mainly to the poor and middle peasants .

  9. 有些中农只占有一部分土地,另租入一部分土地。

    Some own only part of their land and rent the rest .

  10. 广大的贫农和下中农欢迎合作社。

    The masses of the poor and lower-middle peasants welcome the co-operatives .

  11. 我们已经改造中农使他们走上社会主义道路。

    We have transferred the middle peasants on to the path of socialism .

  12. 富裕中农也改变了腔调。

    The well-to-do middle peasants also changed their tune .

  13. 黄瓜新品种‘中农19号’

    A New Cucumber Hybrid ' Zhongnong 19 '

  14. 不要把富裕中农当成富农看待,富裕中农不是富农。

    Do not treat well-to-do middle peasants as rich peasants , they are not .

  15. 稻米和土壤中农美利残留量气相色谱分析方法的研究

    Study on Analytical Approach for Nominee Residue in Rice and Soil by Gas Chromatography

  16. 虽然富裕中农做领导者不适宜,可是他们是劳动者。

    Although they are not fit to be leaders , they are nevertheless working people .

  17. 这种带头作用即是团结中农和自己一道行动。

    This forward role consisted in forging unity with the middle peasants for common action .

  18. 中农许多都占有土地。

    Many middle peasants own land .

  19. 真空渗入转化法中农杆菌在植株体内的分布和活力变化

    The distribution and viability changes of the Agrobacteria in the vacuum infiltrated plants of Chinese cabbage

  20. 现代农业发展进程中农产品加工业有关税收问题探讨

    A Discussion about Tax of Agricultural Products Processing Industry in the Developing Process of Modern Agriculture

  21. 中农是必须团结的,不团结中农是错误的。

    To unite with the middle peasants , and it is wrong not to do so .

  22. 农业合作化必须依靠党团员和贫农下中农

    Rely on party and League members and poor and lower-middle peasants in the co-operative transformation of Agriculture

  23. 到了抗战的第三年和第四年,轮到了中农。

    During the third and fourth years of the war the middle peasants began to go under .

  24. 半无产阶级也是小资产阶级,但是它的坚定性要比中农好得多。

    The semi-proletariat is also petty bourgeois , but they are much more steadfast than the middle peasants .

  25. 新中农的崛起:土改后农村社会结构的新变动

    The Rise of the New Middle Farmer : New Changes in Rural Social Structure after the Land Reform

  26. 新农村建设中农产品营销问题及其对策分析

    Analysis of the problems and corresponding strategies in the marketing of agricultural product in the construction of new countryside

  27. 在农会委员会中,在政府中,必须吸收中农积极分子参加工作。

    The active middle peasants must be drawn into the work of the peasant association committees and the government .

  28. 中农草业愿以雄厚的科研及技术实力,为广大客户提供更加优质的服务。

    With strong research and technological strength , the company is willing to provide its customers with better quality services .

  29. 第二,必须坚决地团结中农,不要损害中农的利益。

    Second , there must be firm unity with the middle peasants , and their interests must not be damaged .

  30. 循环农业发展中农牧副产品利用现状的调研分析&以石家庄市为例

    Investigation and Analysis of Utilization Status of Agricultural Byproducts in the Development of Circular Agriculture & Take Shijiazhuang for Example