
  • 网络intermediaries;Intermediary Organizations;Medium Organization
  1. 但是,我国高等教育市场中的中介组织已经两极分化,具有官方性和边缘性双重特征,缓冲器功能残缺,重大决策不在场。

    However , intermediaries of higher education have been polarized , which have both official and nonofficial features . The buffer is malfunction and major decisions are absent when are made .

  2. 教育中介组织:存在必要性、问题及发展策略分析

    Analysis of existence necessity , problems and developing strategies of educational intermediaries

  3. 加快发展社会中介组织迎接WTO后时代挑战

    Accelerate Development of Social Intermediary Organizations to Meet Challenges after Accession into WTO

  4. 当前,面对加入WTO和全面建设小康社会的新形势、新任务,有必要大力发展农村中介组织以发展农村经济、增加农民收入。

    Facing entry WTO and new situations and tasks of building a comfortable society completely at present , it was necessary to develop rural medium organizations to prompt rural economy and increase incomes .

  5. 具体分析了影响X航天设计院军民两用技术产业化的因素,主要有:科技成果的适产业性、科技成果转让方利益、合作单位需求、科技成果价格、外部宏观环境以及中介组织推进速度等。

    These factors are the fitness of industrialization of tech achievement , the benefit of tech achievement transfer , the requirement of partners , the price for tech achievement , market environment and media organizations ' action .

  6. 论会计中介组织的竞争战略&基于湖南省CPA行业调查的研究提高会计中介机构监管成效的研究

    The study On Competitive Strategy of Accounting Intermediary Organization & Based on Investigation Research of CPA Industry in HuNan Province The Improvement of Supervision Effect of Accounting Intermediary Organizations

  7. 本文从行政法的视角对社会中介组织进行了比较全面、完整的分析与论证,以期在我国加入WTO后,社会中介组织能够健康、有序、快速发展,发挥其应有作用。

    With the hope that they can grow healthily and fast and exert themselves after our country 's access to WTO , the paper makes a comprehensive analysis and argumentation about social intermediate organizations from the view of administrative law .

  8. 本文首先阐述了会计中介组织的总体竞争状况,然后分析了湖南CPA行业的外部竞争、内部竞争的现状。

    This paper elaborates the overall competitive position of accounting intermediary organization in China , analyses external and internal competitive position of CPA Industry in Hunan province , divides Hunan CPA Industry into different strategy groups .

  9. 培育中介组织促进社区建设

    To Foster the Introduce Organization , To Promote the Region Construction

  10. 技术创新中介组织的政府行为刍议

    Discussion on the Governmental Behavior of Medium Organization in Technical Innovation

  11. 市场经济条件下体育中介组织规范问题的思考

    Consideration for Regularizing Sports Agent Organization in Market Economy in China

  12. 政府善治变革与社会中介组织的培育

    Transformation of Government Good Governance and Fostering of Social Intermediary Organization

  13. 社会中介组织管理体制创新研究

    Study on the Innovation of Administrative System of Social Intermediary Organization

  14. 加快发展福建省农村中介组织的思考

    Thinkings on advancing development of rural medium organizations in Fujian Province

  15. 因此中介组织被赋予更多的社会责任、具有更强的社会公信力、产生更大的社会影响范围。

    Social intermediate organizations have more liability and stronger social force .

  16. 我国社会中介组织管理规范化研究

    The Research on the Social Intermediary Management Organization Standardization in China

  17. 规范民间职业中介组织运作的关键是要完善其法律环境。

    The sticking point for FOMOs is Consummating the law environment .

  18. 论多元治理结构下的社会中介组织

    On the Social Intermediary Organization under the Structure of Plural Governance

  19. 第一部分:社会中介组织的理论阐释。

    First part : Social intermediary organization 's theory explanation .

  20. 论市场中介组织的《反垄断法》规制

    On the Market Intermediary Organizations " Anti-monopoly Law " Regulation

  21. 社会中介组织与中小企业发展研究

    The Study on Social Intermedium and Development of Small / Middle Enterprises

  22. 略论中介组织犯罪及其法律规制

    An Overview of the Crime of Intermediary Organizations and the Legal Countermeasures

  23. 社会中介组织:盘活两个失灵的路径选择

    Social medium : the route choice of vitalizing " two malfunctions "

  24. 社会中介组织的产生机理及其法律属性

    On the Causing Mechanism of Social Intermediary Organizations and Its Law Attribute

  25. 论市场中介组织的经济法调整

    On Regulation by Economic Law Concerning the Market Medium Organization

  26. 受此影响,社会中介组织应运而生并蓬勃发展。

    Influenced by this , social medium organization were established and flourishing .

  27. 政府职能社会化与培育社会中介组织

    Probe into socialization of governmental functions and cultivation of social intermediary agencies

  28. 中介组织发展能力模糊综合评价

    The Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method of Intermediary Organizations ' Capabilities of Development

  29. 我国社会中介组织发展中存在的问题及解决思路

    Problems and Countermeasures for the Development of Social Intermediate Organizations

  30. 技术中介组织模式对交易效率的影响分析。

    Analysis on the impact of the technological intermediary 's organizational model .