
  • 网络the Middle East
  1. 巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)日前就中东问题发表的讲话中,正确地强调了埃及和突尼斯正承受着巨大的经济困难。

    In his speech on the Middle East last week , Barack Obama rightly put a spotlight on the immense economic difficulties facing Egypt and Tunisia .

  2. 他并没提出关于中东问题的一套统一的大理论。

    He has no grand unifying theory of the Middle East .

  3. 他坚持主张不把它与其他中东问题挂钩。

    He insisted that there could be no linkage with other Mideast problems

  4. 华盛顿方面努力促成中东问题的解决(b新闻周刊)

    Washington 's efforts to midwife a Mideast settlement ( bNewsweek )

  5. 但是,位于伦敦的公共政策智囊机构查塔姆研究所(ChhathamHouse)的中东问题专家罗宾.洛说,欧洲人的外交影响力有限。

    But Robin Lowe , a Middle East expert at Chatham House , a London-based public policy institute , said the Europeans have limited diplomatic clout .

  6. 联合国中东问题特使罗伯特·H·塞里(RobertH.Serry)也对袭击事件表示了谴责。

    The United Nations special envoy for the Middle East , Robert H. Serry , also condemned the attacks .

  7. 但是卡耐基中东问题中心主任PaulSalem则认为,成功还是有一线希望的。

    But some , like Paul Salem , the director of the Carnegie Middle East Center , offers a glimmer of hope the talks could succeed .

  8. 下面请听一下SusanYackee对华盛顿近东政策研究所中东问题分析家DavidPollack的采访,他将讲述美国试图解决以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突的努力:美国中东特使米切尔已经与以色列官员举行会晤,为以色列和巴勒斯坦的间接对话做准备。

    Israel , Palestinians Look for Confidence-Building in Indirect Negotiations Listen to Susan Yackee 's interview with Middle East analyst David Pollack , with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy ,

  9. 我没想去解决中东问题。

    I 'm not trying to solve the Middle East problem .

  10. 中东问题有关四方要求立即停火,而且停火协议必须得到全面遵守。

    They call for an immediate cease-fire that would be fully respected .

  11. 我跟中东问题没什么关系。

    I had little to do with the middle east .

  12. 总统将在周一重点就中东问题展开会议讨论。

    The president 's meetings on Monday will focus on the Middle East .

  13. 中东问题四方小组同时希望巴以双方能够在明年达成协议。

    The Quartet wants the two sides to reach a deal next year .

  14. 今天,我们将从中东问题开始。

    And we 're today in the Middle East .

  15. 非洲和中东问题研究中心

    Centre for Studies on Africa and the Middle East

  16. 我们正在解决中东问题。

    We 're dealing in the middle east .

  17. 我们忽视了中东问题。

    We 've ignored the larger Middle East .

  18. 她对于处理争议性问题的立场从不退缩,特别是中东问题。

    She never compromised in dealing with controversial issues , especially the Middle-East issue .

  19. 这不是中东问题。

    This is not a Middle East problem .

  20. 巴勒斯坦问题是中东问题的症结所在。

    The Palestinian issue is the crux of the problem in the Middle East .

  21. 中东问题专家杰米·英格拉姆称马利基可能面临一场艰苦的斗争。

    Middle East expert Jamie Ingram says Maliki may be facing an uphill struggle .

  22. 听听她对中东问题的看法是很有趣的。

    It was interesting to hear her reflections on the situation in the Middle East .

  23. 法瓦兹.盖尔盖斯是纽约莎拉.罗伦斯学院的中东问题专家。

    Fawaz Gerges is a Middle East expert at Sarah Lawrence College in New York .

  24. 中东问题对世界所有的政治家来说都是个烫手的山芋。

    The Mideast conflict is really a hot potato for all politicians around the world .

  25. 多数中东问题专家都坚决反对入侵伊拉克。

    Most academic specialists on the Middle East were adamantly opposed to the invasion of Iraq .

  26. 由于恢复了对中东问题逐步解决的方针,从而产生了光辉的戴维营协议。

    Reviving the step-by-step approach to the Middle East , it produced the magnificent Camp David . accords .

  27. 在过去八年中,布什政府一直在努力解决中东问题,但是并没有取得什么成果。

    For eight years the Bush administration has been trying to resolve that issue - but with little success .

  28. 而假如哈马斯默许和谈,它就将朝着接受中东问题有关四方提出的条件不断迈进。

    And if Hamas acquiesces , it will have set itself on the path towards accepting the Quartet conditions .

  29. 我认为我们面临的最大威胁,首先是中东问题。

    But I see our biggest threats are the implosion of the whole Middle East , to start with .

  30. 中东问题四方敦促所有主要成员让以色列和巴勒斯坦的和平进程得以继续。

    The Middle East Quartet urged all the principal players to keep the peace process between Israel and Palestine going .