
  • 网络individual cost
  1. 个别成本分析法在公路工程投标报价中的应用

    Application of Individual Cost Analysis in Bid Quotation of Highway Project

  2. 对成本的定义和类别进行了分析,得出本文所指的成本从不同角度来看,分别是会计成本、企业个别成本、总成本的结论。

    Second , cost is analyzed from various angles and conclusion is made that the cost in this dissertation is accountant cost , individual cost and general cost .

  3. 谈投标报价是否低于其个别成本的判别

    Discussing Simply on Distinguishing Whether the Bid Price is Lower than Enterprise Specific Cost

  4. 招标法指的成本价应该是企业个别成本。

    Enterprises The cost price of bidding should be the specific cost of the corporation .

  5. 论最低个别成本价的构成要素

    Components of lowest single cost price

  6. 工程量清单计价能反映工程个别成本,有利于企业自主报价,符合市场经济的价值规律,国外大多采用这种计价方式。

    The valuation with bill of quantities can reflect individual cost in each project , and can be benefit in quotation of enterprises independently . The valuation with bill of quantities is complied with the value regulation in market economy , and the mode has been adopted widely in abroad .

  7. 并以综合资金成本作为折现率为基本模型,对之进行了更详尽的个别资金成本的描述,提出了改进后的折现率模型。

    On the basis of integrate capital cost it describes more detailed individual capital cost and puts forward the improved discount rate model .

  8. 因此,从农产品的生产和消费上看,大多数农户表现出半自给自足的特征,其生产结构和商品化水平似乎取决于市场统一价格和农户个别生产成本之间的差距。

    Therefore , from agriculture products ' production and consumption , most of the households are semi-self-sufficient . Moreover , their productive structure and level of commercialization depend on market national-uniform price and gap of cost of production .

  9. 这样一来,个别的工作成本报告通常就被称为成本控制的基本单位。

    Thus , individual job cost accounts generally represent the basic unit for cost control .

  10. 通过这条成本~概率曲线,对任意一投标人的报价都可以得到其盈亏的概率,同样确定一个盈亏概率也可得到个别承包商的成本。

    Through the curve any quoted price from a bidder can obtain a probability of the profit and loss , at the same time a probability of the profit and loss can get a cost for a special contractor .