
  1. 应用个体化营养方案对COPD患者病情影响的研究

    Effects of individualized nutrition therapy on patients with COPD

  2. 痛风患者个体化营养治疗的临床观察

    Individualized nutrition therapy for patients with gout

  3. 目的探讨孕期定时个体化营养指导对胎儿生长发育及孕妇健康的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect on fetal development and gravida health by instructing individually maternal diet during pregnancy .

  4. 目的:对糖尿病病人入院时进行营养评价,为制订个体化营养治疗方案和观察营养治疗效果提供依据。

    Objective : Nutritional evaluation was carried out for the patients with diabetes mellitus at admission in order to provide evidence for formulating individual program .

  5. 实践证明,动态估计患者的营养状况,并区分营养不良的危险性和程度,是制订和实施个体化营养计划的基础;

    It has been approved that the important basis was to assess the individual nutrition condition dramatically , and identify the dangerous and degree of malnutrition in order to make and implement a nutrition therapy plan for individual .

  6. 目的:探讨个体化的营养与运动对产后康复的影响及超声之监测价值。

    Objective : To explore individualized nutrition and exercise for health of mother .

  7. 接受营养治疗的住院成人患者使用个体化微量营养素的详细信息将进行讨论,终点关注实践和临床表现。

    Detailed information about individual micronutrient use specifically in hospitalized adult patients receiving nutrition therapy will be discussed , emphasizing the practical and clinical aspects .

  8. 方法:选取400例受试者,按照年龄段分组,检测尿靛甙水平和血型,根据结果给予个体化饮食营养指导。

    Methods : Uric indican levels and blood types were detected in400 subjects , divided into four groups based on their age , and then individual diet guidance was supplied accordingly .

  9. 孕妇个体化定量化营养曲线的绘制算法研究及实现

    Research and implementation of quantitative nutritional diagram algorithm for pregnant woman

  10. 结论:根据个体尿靛甙水平制定个体化饮食营养指导方案,可以有效的调节个体营养结构。

    Conclusion : Individual nutritive structure would be effectively adjusted by the scheme of individual diet guidance depended on uric indican level .