
ɡè rén ɡǔ
  • individual share;personal dividentd income
  1. 在企业进行公司制改造时,通常会发行国家股、法人股和个人股。

    Any state-owned enterprise transforming into a company will issue state-owned shares , corporation shares and individual shares .

  2. 盗窃狂患者,指一个人有一股不可抗拒的偷东西的冲动。

    The kleptomaniac has a compulsion to steal .

  3. 一个作家&其实生活中的每一个人需要一股来自母亲的力量,所有创作都源于爱的力量;

    A writer in fact every one of us in life needs that mother force , the loving force from which all creation flows ;

  4. 个人电脑类股在近几周里倍受打压,投资者担心美国这个全球最大的电脑市场一旦出现经济滑坡,技术相关开支将会随之缩水。

    Personal-computer stocks have taken a beating in recent weeks amid fears that an economic downturn could slow technology spending in the world 's largest computer market .

  5. 沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)上周宣布,正通过个人账户买入美股。

    Warren Buffett announced last week that he was buying US stocks on his personal account .

  6. 过去几年的五月中旬,个人常在七股记录到小杜鹃,有几次还在鸣唱。

    In previous years , I have seen Lesser Cuckoos in Chi Gu in mid May .

  7. 一个人写党八股,如果只给自己看,那倒还不要紧。

    It does not matter much if a person produces stereotyped Party writings only for himself to read .

  8. 他认为通过个人存款账户妙股最保险的方式就是制定每月定期的存款计划。

    He argues that the safest way of investing in a stocks and shares Isa is through a regular monthly savings plan .