
  • 网络Personal Credit Reporting System;PCRs
  1. 基于ETL的个人征信系统设计与开发

    Design and Development of Individual Credit Reference System Based on ETL

  2. 本文通过对数据仓库和OLAP概念及体系结构的分析,结合具体的需求,给出了银行个人征信系统的结构设计和实现过程,并对设计过程中用到的技术特点进行分析。

    In this paper , by analysing the concept and system frame of Data Warehouse and OLAP , we describe one method of design and implemention for personal credit investigation system of bank , and we analyse the main technologies applied in the system .

  3. 非恶意不良信用记录与个人征信系统建设

    Non-malicious Bad Credit Record and Personal Credit System Construction

  4. 个人征信系统的建立和应用

    Establishment and Application of Personal Credit Consulting System

  5. 建立健全全国范围的个人征信系统。

    Establish nationwide personal credit information system .

  6. 个人征信系统的建立将在我国建设良好的社会信用体系中发挥重要的作用。

    The establishment of the personal credit consulting system will play an important role in improving a sound society credit system in China .

  7. 个人征信系统又称消费者信用信息系统,主要为银行等信贷机构提供个人信用分析及信誉等级评价等。

    Personal credit information system , also known as consumer credit information systems , mainly provide personal credit analysis and credit grade evaluation for bank etc. credit institutions .

  8. 随着银行信贷业务量的逐步增多,个人征信系统的数据已经不仅仅局限于信用记录等传统运营范畴,更多的转向为各级机构提供社会综合数据服务的业务领域中来。

    With the increasing of bank credit bussiness , the personal credit information system is not limited to the traditional operating areas such as credit history data , attention is turned to the business areas of providing social integrated data services .

  9. 针对个人征信系统海量数据的存储和应用需要高效能的数据组织结构问题,利用数据仓库的数据建模技术研究了个人征信系统的数据组织结构,设计了系统的数据仓库总体框架。

    High efficiency is necessary to data organization structure for large amount of data storage and application of Personal Credit System . Studies the data organization structure of Personal Credit System based on modeling technology of data ware house and designs the data warehouse architecture .

  10. 根据现阶段经济社会发展的需要,借鉴国外经验,中国的社会信用体系建设必须从信贷征信起步,加快企业和个人征信系统的建设,形成覆盖全国的信用信息网络。

    By the requirements of the economical social development , and to absorb the experience of developed countries , the establishment of social credit system in China should start from financing credit and establishing business personal credit system , and form the credit information network which covers the whole country .

  11. 个人信用征信系统研究

    Research for Person Credit System

  12. 当前中国,个人信用征信系统的建设正在轰轰烈烈地进行着。

    Nowadays the construction of the personal credit information collection system is in vigorous process in China .

  13. 此前,除银行个人信贷征信系统全国联网外,房屋权属信息在各城市间并不联网,房屋权属信息均采用属地管理原则。

    Besides national network for home loan information , there has been no such nationwide system for property ownership as the data are managed in cities where the houses were bought or sold .

  14. 本文通过UML标准建模语言来描述山东省农村信用社个人征信信息管理系统的设计与实现过程。

    This article describes The Design and Implementation of Personal Credit Information Management System for Rural Credit Cooperative of Shandong by the UML standard modeling language .

  15. 加快建立我国个人信用联合征信系统的几个主要问题探讨

    Several Problems on Establishing China ′ s Individual Credit Co-levy System

  16. 本文以中国人民银行个人征信基础信息管理系统作为分布模式的实践案例,分析了该系统的开发背景,简要介绍了系统的需求分析、设计和软件实现等开发过程。

    This paper uses Basic Information Management System of Personal Credit Collecting as a practice case , and analyze its developing background , then briefly presents the developing process including requirement analyzing , designs and realization of the software .

  17. 会同建设厅采集个人住房公积金贷款信息纳入个人征信系统,对个人贷款风险进行提示。

    Office building in the collection of personal housing accumulation fund loans for personal credit rating information into the system , the risk of personal loans for presentation .

  18. 同时指出在个人信贷风险防范上还存在个人征信系统不完善、相关法规尚不健全、抵押物难以变现、操作不规范等问题。

    At the same time , the author points out that the precaution of personal loan risk is confronted with such problems as imperfect credit information bureau , deficient related laws and regulations , difficulty of collateral realization and improper operation .

  19. 首先对个人信用征信相关概念进行了界定;然后对个人信用征信系统、征信相关法律关系以及规范个人信用征信活动的必要性进行了深入的论述。

    Firstly define the individual credit checking and the relative concepts , and then dissertate the system of the credit checking , legal relationship about credit checking as well as the necessity of regulating the activity of the individual credit checking .

  20. 在我国金融市场不太完善的情况下,基于生命周期理论的个人理财技术应用存在较大困难,主要是因为有效实施主体的缺乏、个人征信系统的落后和资本市场的低效。

    In the present financial market in China , there are some obstacles of the application for PFT , mostly because of the shortage of regular actor , the underdevelopment of credit system and the inefficiency of capital market .

  21. 通过个人信用报告包括的6个方面内容分析得出个人信用报告是个人信用联合征信系统的核心及个人信用评估方法是个人信用监管的重要手段的结论。

    By analyzing the six aspects of individual credit report , it can be concluded that individual credit report is the core of the individual credit co-levy system , and the evaluating method of individual credit is an important way for individual credit surveillance .

  22. 中国的个人信用卡、按揭贷款和在线支付系统迅猛增长,为此迫切需要建立一个信用评估数据库,芝麻信用(SesameCredit)等个人征信系统应运而生。

    Sesame Credit and other credit rating systems are responding to a glaring need for a credit rating database in a country that has seen rapid growth in personal credit cards , mortgages and online payments systems .