
  • 网络personal happiness
  1. 86%的美国人认为他们的个人幸福和度假有联系。

    And 86 percent of Americans link their personal happiness to vacation .

  2. 和谐社会是个人幸福与整体协调有机统一的社会。

    Harmonious society features the organic unification of personal happiness and overall coordination .

  3. 他们同时也将个人幸福看得比追求成绩更为重要。

    They also rank personal well-being before seeking any achievement .

  4. 为了个人幸福、意义而努力如何?

    How about striving for personal wellbeing and meaning ?

  5. 在获得个人幸福的同时,也能给别人带来幸福,那才是最大的幸福。

    It is the greatest happiness to give others happiness when getting personal happiness .

  6. 心理和生理健康都非常影响一个人幸福感

    Mental and physical health mental and physical health both have huge impacts on happiness

  7. 第四章对追求个人幸福的道德语言观进行比较研究。

    Chapter Four is a comparative study of the linguistic views at the individual-happiness-seeking stage .

  8. 根据哈佛,影响个人幸福最重要的外部因素是人际关系。

    According to Harvard , the most important external factors affecting individual happiness are human relationships .

  9. 对于个人幸福的关注诶我们追求发展的过程增加了点人情味。

    The limelight on subjective well-being adds a precious human touch to our pursuit of development .

  10. 我敢肯定地说这些奖项只给我带来了很少的个人幸福感。

    I can assure you that awards have very little bearing on my own personal happiness .

  11. 联邦是我们国家、社会和个人幸福取之不竭的甘泉。

    It has been to us all a copious fountain of national , social , personal happiness .

  12. 尽管如此,要注意,这不是一个关于全球环境问题的争论而是对于个人幸福的争辩。

    Note , though , that this is not an argument about the global environment but individual well-being .

  13. 读大学使他们失去太多的个人幸福和健康。

    College life has stripped so much personal happiness of them , and even takes their health away .

  14. 主张通过立法把人们要求个人幸福的倾向引到公共幸福上去。

    He openly advocated people 's tendency of requesting individual happiness should be guided to public happiness through legislation .

  15. 把外面的大众权力和里面的个人幸福这两个东西合在一起,便产生了社会的繁荣。

    From these two things combined , the public power without , individual happiness within , results social prosperity .

  16. 而借着寻求个人幸福的目的,高调挺进,说得多做得少,则是某种不负责任。

    While marching up with the aim of seeking personal happiness , less doing more talking , is somewhat irresponsible .

  17. 疏离感与个人幸福取向、社会发展取向、自然保护取向以及人际和谐取向的价值观之间存在显著负相关;

    Alienation has an apparently negative correlation with the orientation of individual happiness , social development , natural protection and interpersonal harmony .

  18. 婚姻的全部意义就在于它予以夫妻双方清晰的责任义务,而不仅仅是追求个人幸福的权利。

    The whole point of marriage is that it imposes clear obligations , not just the right to pursue your own happiness .

  19. 只有均衡地拥有四资本、并以精神资本为主,才是个人幸福、组织成功、社会和谐的保证。

    An optimal combination of4Capital is the best way to ensure individual happiness , excellent performance of organizations , and social harmony .

  20. 提出了幸福人假设,以及幸福心理氛围建设和个人幸福管理方法等幸福管理理念和措施。

    We exploringly put forward means of happiness management including happiness man assumption , happiness psychological climate and other ways of personal happiness managment .

  21. 大量研究表明过分追求物质会降低个人幸福感,那么如何抑制其带来的这种负面效应,就具有重要的现实意义。

    Numerous researches show that excessive pursuit of material will reduce the well-being , so it has important practical significance to restrain this negative effect .

  22. 为此,他牺牲了个人幸福,呕心沥血,面壁十年,将自己的灵魂钉在道德的十字架上生生煎熬,却收效甚微。

    For this reason , he sacrificed 10 years of happiness facing a wall thinking and nailed his soul on the moral cross to suffer .

  23. 你将成为一个知足了、独立式的个人幸福来源。,一个向别人表明他们也能获得同样状态的模范。

    You 'll become a contented , self-contained source of personal well-being , a model who shows others how they can achieve the same state .

  24. 不过论文作者认为,个人幸福和更高收入之间存在的这种联系对那些艰难促进经济增长的国家来说,或许是个好消息。

    Still , a connection between personal happiness and greater income could be good news for countries struggling to boost economic growth , the authors suggest .

  25. 我们庆幸的是,社交博客对群体和个人幸福都有积极影响,这与理论一致。

    Luckily for us , research tends to be in agreement , finding that social blogging can have a positive affect on social and personal well-being .

  26. 婚姻是人类社会生活的重要内容,恋爱与婚姻的成功与否直接关系到个人幸福和社会和谐。

    Marriage is an important part of human social life , love and marriage is successful or notis directly to the personal happiness and social harmony .

  27. 梅德尔顿小姐和威廉王子将如何适应婚后的共同生活,不寻求个人幸福,而是把口头上所说的履行公共职责逐渐放在心上,认真去做呢?

    And how will Miss Middleton and Prince William adjust to a life together that will increasingly be dictated by public duty instead of private happiness ?

  28. 为了追求个人幸福,一些人不惜铤而走险,无视法律和道德,一味追逐财富、名利和地位。

    To pursue personal happiness , some people willing to take risks , in defiance of law and morality , only pursue wealth , fame and status .

  29. 感人的是,埃伦的行为既包含着对自我的追求,又包含着对他人的责任;她既勇敢地追求个人幸福,也勇于做出牺牲。

    Her action bespeaks her own pursuit of selfhood and her responsibilities for others ; she bravely fights for her freedom and is also courageous enough to make sacrifices .

  30. 多和你的朋友沟通交流比你联系专业人士交流探讨要强,尤其是专业人士和朋友圈子这两组人群,只有你的朋友圈子才是你个人幸福的投资方向。

    Your friends will go a lot further than the professional contacts you make , especially since only one of the two groups is invested in your personal happiness .