
  • 网络severe cold region;severe cold area
  1. 您能不能接管这家工厂?严寒地区电厂建筑节能设计&神华胜利发电厂建筑节能设计实践

    Can you possibly take over the factory ? Energy-efficient design for power plant buildings in severe cold region

  2. 严寒地区冬季时间长,供暖期长达六个月以上。

    The winter is long and cold in severe cold region in China , and the heating period lasts for six months in winter .

  3. 为了研究该系统在严寒地区的可行性,本文采用FLUENT数值模拟软件对该系统进行了长期的仿真模拟。

    Long-term numerical simulation of this system was carried out by FLUENT software .

  4. 对格陵兰岛永久冻结带中4000年前的一绺头发进行的DNA分析,揭开了有关北方严寒地区人类居民起源的谜底。

    DNA analysis of a4,000-year-old clump of hair preserved in Greenland 's permafrost has solved a mystery about the original human inhabitants of the frozen north .

  5. 基于神经网络的严寒地区建筑PMV预测研究

    Study on building PMV of frosty zone based on neural network

  6. 严寒地区粘贴EPS板外墙外保温薄抹灰面层施工质量控制

    Control on construction quality of exterior thermal insulation thin plaster finish coat on external wall of EPS board in cold region

  7. 为此,提出了采用混合气体,或者采用加热SF6气体的方法,解决高压SF6断路器在严寒地区可靠运行的问题。

    So puts forward adopting mixed gas or taking heating SF6 gas to solve SF6 breaker reliable operation in rigid area .

  8. 严寒地区CRTSⅠ板式无砟轨道板制造工艺

    The fabrication process of CRTS ⅰ slab ballastless track board in heavy cold area

  9. 通过编写MATLAB模拟程序,将两种系统的供暖特性及节能程度进行仿真分析,对新能源供暖系统在严寒地区低能耗建筑中的能耗和运行费用做出了定量的分析。

    By writing MATLAB simulation program , analyzing the heating characteristic and the degree of energy conservation of the two simulation systems , we make a quantitative analysis of the energy consumption and running expense in low energy consuming building of cold zones with the new energy resource heating system .

  10. 《建筑外窗保温性能分级及其检测方法》GB8484-1987规定窗户传热系数检测在模拟严寒地区冬季条件下进行的,与夏热冬暖地区的实际使用情况有较大差别;

    Traditionally , heat transfer coefficient is measured in the laboratory under the estimated extremely cold winter environment condition of winter cold area in accordance with Graduation and test method for thermal insulating properties of windows ( GB8484-1987 ) .

  11. 挪威北部极地严寒地区建筑设计经验探讨

    The Experience Discussion of Building Design in North Norway Cold Region

  12. 一种适应于严寒地区的新型节能窗

    A New Kind of Energy-Saving Window Applied in Very Cold Area

  13. 适于严寒地区制革废水处理的工艺

    Treatment process for the tannery effluent in the extreme cold region

  14. 基于严寒地区碾压混凝土工程冬季保温措施的应用研究

    Heat Preservation Measures in Winter for the Roller-compacted Concrete Engineering Research

  15. 严寒地区阶梯式钢筋石笼消能工的应用

    Application of stepped reinforcement gabion energy dissipater in cold area

  16. 反恐作战后勤保障探析边境严寒地区反恐财务保障研究

    Troops financial support in the operation of counter-terrorism in the frontier areas

  17. 关于严寒地区乡村住宅节能设计的思考

    Energy conservation design of village residence in severe cold regions

  18. 严寒地区某水利枢纽施工质量管理实践

    Construction quality management of a hydro project in cold area

  19. 严寒地区特种车辆自动润滑系统研究探讨

    Discussion and Investigation about Auto-lubricating System of Special Vehicle in Freezing Zone

  20. 严寒地区集装箱内部储存环境条件研究

    Research on storage environmental conditions of inside the container in frosty areas

  21. 寒冷及严寒地区建筑外墙节能保温涂料

    Energy-Saving and Thermal Insulation Coatings for Buildings Exterior Wall in Cold Regions

  22. 严寒地区居室热环境模糊综合评价

    Comprehensive fuzzy evaluation of indoor thermal environment in cold area

  23. 浅谈水力除灰在严寒地区的应用

    Statement of application removing ash by waterpower in chilliness area

  24. 严寒地区矿用自卸车自动润滑系统研究探讨

    Discussion and Investigation on Auto-Lubricating System of Mine Self-Dumping Truck in Freezing Zone

  25. 严寒地区节能建筑供暖能耗的影响因素

    Influencing Factors of Energy Consumption for Heating Energy-saving Buildings in Severe Cold Region

  26. 严寒地区溢流面混凝土补强设计与施工

    Design and construction of earth dam overflow face concrete strengthening in cold area

  27. 自动润滑注油器在严寒地区矿用自卸车的应用

    Application of Auto-Lubricating Oil Injector to Off-Highway Self-Dumping Truck Operated in Freezing Zone

  28. 新风换气机在严寒地区运行的实验研究

    Experiment of Fresh Air Ventilator in Severe Cold Area

  29. 严寒地区低密度住宅节能设计策略

    Energy efficient design strategy for low-density houses in severe cold area of China

  30. 高海拔及严寒地区隧道防冻设计探讨

    Discussion on the design of tunnels in high elevation and bitter cold region