
  1. 本文根据圆的渐开线原理和两点间的距离公式,得出两种用放射式丈量法测画不分道跑起跑线的新画法。

    This article utilizes the theory of involute of circle and the formula of the distance between two points to obtain two radiated measurement ways of defining the starting line .

  2. 利用向量相等概念,只要已知起点、终点坐标即可求出向量的模,就可推证出两点间的距离公式;

    With the concept of vector equality , if coordinates of starting point and terminal point are provided , both mold of vector and distance formula between two points can be worked out .

  3. 本文研究了凸域内两点间的平均距离公式,利用广义支持函数的方法分别求出了圆、矩形、椭圆域内两点间的平均距离,并给出了具体的求解过程。

    Using a universal formula for the mean length of a convex set and the generalized support function , this paper has arrived at the mean length of the ellipse .