
liǎnɡ àn zhí hánɡ
  • Cross strait direct flights;cross-Straits direct transportation link
  1. 海峡两岸直航航线规划研究

    A research for direct shipping plan between the sides of Taiwan straits

  2. 对海峡两岸直航的禁令也起到了类似的效果。

    The ban on direct transport across the Strait has had similar effects .

  3. 海峡两岸直航问题探讨

    Problems Prober Into Direct Cross-Strait Links

  4. 两岸直航船舶航行台湾海峡通航风险与对策

    The Risk & Strategy of Direct Ship Transportation Across the Taiwan Straits on Safety of Navigation Circumstance

  5. 两岸直航对福建海港港口腹地的影响和对策

    The Influence and Countermeasures of Hinterland of Fujian Seaports After the Realization of Direct Communications Across the Taiwan Straits

  6. 目前,台湾禁止两岸直航,而大陆禁止公民以游客身份访问台湾。

    Taiwan bans direct flights across the strait , and China bans its citizens from visiting the island directly as tourists .

  7. 台湾海峡两岸直航船舶进口岸审批存在的问题与建议

    Discussion on the issues concerning entry approval of ships engaged in direct voyage across the Taiwan Strait and suggestions related thereto

  8. 研究结果发现:学术界认为我国国轮航商在两岸直航后,所可以拥有之最大竞争优势为可以增加其营运收益。

    After the start of cross Taiwan-strait direct shipping , the revenue increasing is perceived to be the best competitive advantage from the academicians'perspective .

  9. 尽快实现两岸直航,是台湾广大同胞尤其是业者的殷切期望。

    The masses of Taiwan compatriots , particularly Taiwan business people , eagerly yearn for the opening of direct air and shipping services as quickly as possible .

  10. 在间接通航模式越来越无法适应客观形势发展需要的情况下,两岸直航已是一个不可回避的现实问题。

    As the indirect link models are increasingly unable to meet the needs of the development of the objective situation , direct cross-strait links tend to be an unavoidable reality problem .

  11. 厦门港今年成为海峡两岸直航试点港后,货物运输被注入了新的生机和活力。

    After Xiamen 's port became a direct voyage experimental port between both sides of the Straits this year , the freight transport has been filled with new vitality and energy .

  12. 他表示,他与北京协商的重点是:海峡两岸直航协议,允许大陆居民到台湾旅游,以及准许台湾各银行进入大陆市场。

    He said his priorities for such talks were agreements on direct flights across the Strait , on allowing Chinese citizens to visit Taiwan as tourists and on granting Taiwanese banks access to the Chinese market .

  13. 2008年两岸直航与全面大三通并开放大陆人士来台观光旅游,让两岸的关系气氛达到前所未有的和谐。

    Cross-strait direct flights , comprehensive three direct links and the opening of mainland Chinese to visit Taiwan for sightseeing in 2008 made the relationship between Chinese mainland and Chinese Taiwan reach an unprecedented atmosphere of harmony .

  14. 如能尽快实现两岸直航,台湾岛内的服务性企业就可以继续以台湾为基地,有效地为大陆台资生产性企业服务,形成一种全新的产业分工形态。

    If direct cross-strait links achieve as soon as possible , Taiwan 's service enterprises can continue to serve efficiently in Taiwan as the base for the Taiwan-funded industrial enterprises in Chinese mainland , and to form a new pattern of division of labor .

  15. 海峡两岸海上直航客运分析

    Analysis on Passenger Transportation for Direct Sailing Across the Strait of Taiwan

  16. 两岸海上直航台湾海峡的船舶交通及其规划研究

    Ship Transportation directly across the Taiwan Straits between the Mainland and Taiwan Island and Its Planning and Study

  17. 今年春节期间除了上海广州飞往台湾的直航包机外,北京和厦门也开通了海峡两岸的直航包机。

    Apart from Shanghai and Guangzhou , the direct charter flights will also be available to Beijing and Xiamen .

  18. 自从2003年海峡两岸开通直航包机以来,今年是两岸春节期间互通直航包机的第四年。

    This year 's direct charter flight service for the Spring Festival is the fourth of its kind , having begun in2003 .

  19. 分析了台湾海峡两岸海上直航对福建海港港口腹地的影响,提出了扩大福建海港港口腹地的若干对策。

    On the basis of an analysis of influence of hinterland of Fujian Seaports aller the direct forward some countermeasures to expand the hinterland of Fujian Seaports .

  20. 除了4月份取得的进展,过去一年的谈判还达成了两岸空海直航协议,使台湾向大陆数百万潜在旅游者开放。

    Besides April 's developments , negotiations over the past year have yielded agreements on direct air and sea links that opened Taiwan to China 's millions of potential tourists .

  21. 春节或叫农历新年和中秋节等节日期间往返海峡两岸的直航包机有望变成常规飞行。

    Charter flights that shuttle across the strait during traditional festivals , such as Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year and Mid-Autumn festivals , are expected to become routine .

  22. 他表示有信心与中国大陆达成协议,从7月份起开放两岸包机直航,同时开放大陆观光客来台湾。

    He expresses confidence that he can sign a deal with China on starting non-stop charter flights across the Strait and allow thousands of Chinese tourists to visit Taiwan from July .

  23. 虽然,台北松山机场比较小,运作是没有问题,但是,缺乏转机连结功能,只能提供两岸定点直航之用。

    Although Taipei 's Sungshan Airport is too small , it is all right for now . However , the lack of onward connections means its only function will be for cross-Strait flights .

  24. 该规划可建立良好的海峡船舶交通秩序,改善两岸海上直航的通航条件,更有效地保障船舶航行安全。

    With this project , a fine traffic order may be established in the strait , the navigation condition for direct sailing across the strait may be improved , and marine safety may be guaranteed more effectually .

  25. 从两岸间接直航的现实及其特点出发,论证了两岸直航和海事联合仲裁的现实性和必然性,并对两岸海事联合仲裁的若干法律问题作了进一步的探讨。

    Based on the realistic characteristics of direct shipping across the Straits , the realism and inevitability of direct shipping and joint arbitration on maritime disputes are proved . Further discussions on several problems on law arisen in arbitration have also been made .

  26. 我国港务局以及国轮航商则认为两岸货柜海运直航后,其最主要的竞争优势,系为可以减低本身的营运成本。

    The operating cost reduction is perceived to be the strongest competitive advantage from both port authorities and shipping lines viewpoints .

  27. 根据11月4日签订的协议,周一,两岸货运航班直航也将启动,每月航班数将达到60个。

    Monday also marked the start of cargo flights between the two that will number up to60 per month , according to agreements signed Nov.4 .

  28. 马英九以压倒优势赢得大选、上月就任总统以来,迅速采取行动,兑现竞选承诺,就开通两岸定期包机直航和增加中国大陆赴台游客达成协议。

    Since taking office as president last month after a landslide election victory , Ma Ying-jeou has moved quickly to fulfil a campaign pledge to close a deal with China to open regular non-stop passenger flight links and increase tourist flows from the mainland .

  29. 台湾交通部长毛治国表示,与中国大陆的非正式谈判正顺利进行,有望不久达成正式协议,开放两岸周末包机直航,以及每天允许3000名大陆游客来台湾观光。

    Mao Chi-kuo , transport minister , said unofficial talks with China on allowing non-stop charter flights across the strait every weekend and allowing 3,000 Chinese to visit as tourists every day from July were going smoothly , and were expected to result in a formal deal soon .