
  • 网络two-state solution
  1. 正如以色列前总理埃胡德奥尔默特(EhudOlmert)2007年时所说,如果两国方案失败,以色列将面临南非那样的、为争取平等选举权而进行的斗争。

    As Ehud Olmert , former prime minister , said in 2007 , if the two-state solution fails , Israel will face a South African-like struggle for equal voting rights .

  2. 这些都不是两国方案有望实现的明显预兆。

    These are not the obvious harbingers of a two-state solution .

  3. CNN记者奥伦·利伯曼:两国方案是指在以色列旁边建立独立的巴勒斯坦国。

    The idea behind a two-state solution is an Israeli state next to a Palestinian state .

  4. 而其中一些难题在于“两国方案”的内容。

    Some of them being the terms of a two-state solution .

  5. 除了两国方案,其它唯一选择是什么?

    The only alternative to two states is what ?

  6. 我们都决心执行两国方案。

    " We are both committed to a two-state solution ," she said .

  7. 而且,“两国方案”的核心涉及一些非常敏感和复杂的问题。

    But a two-state solution are some very sensitive and very complex issues .

  8. 巴勒斯坦国会议员穆斯塔法说,这意味着以色列所谓的两国方案根本就不是什么解决方案。

    Palestinian legislator Mustafa Barghouti says that means Israel 's two-state solution is no solution at all .

  9. 敦促以色列施行“两国方案”,就像欧洲人目前主张的那样,也和种族灭绝不挨边儿。

    Pushing for a " two-state solution " in Israel , as Europeans do , hardly seems genocidal .

  10. 希拉里表示,现在的状况是难以为继的,对两国方案进行探讨是唯一的解决方法。

    Mrs Clinton said the status quo was unsustainable , and negotiations on a two-state solution were the only way forward .

  11. 但是他说,基于两国方案的基础上,以色列会表现出争取与巴勒斯坦人和平共处的勇气。

    But he said it would show courage in the struggle for peace with the Palestinians based on the two-state solution .

  12. 在最终的“两国方案”获得认可前,所有这些极具敏感性的问题都要进行讨论。

    All of these are very sensitive issues that need to be discussed before a final two-state solution can be recognized .

  13. 我们反对以色列政府在巴勒斯坦被占领土上持续修建并扩张定居点的行为。这违反国际法并严重破坏和平努力,威胁两国方案的可行性。

    We oppose the continuous construction and expansion of settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories by the Israeli Government , which violates international law , gravely undermines peace efforts and threatens the viability of the two-State solution .

  14. 而巴勒斯坦人依然持怀疑态度。在来自美国的压力下,以色列右翼鹰派总理内塔尼亚胡在建立巴勒斯坦国度问题上首次表明了这样的态度:他告诉每周举行的内阁会议,以色列支持两国方案的概念。

    Under pressure from the United States , Israel 's hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used this formula on Palestinian statehood for the first time : He told the weekly Cabinet meeting that Israel supports the of " two states for two peoples . "

  15. 他再次强调,唯一的解决方法是两国方案,以色列和巴勒斯坦人民都可以和平,安全地生活。用他的话说,“这不仅仅是以色列和巴勒斯坦的利益,也是美国和全世界的利益。”

    He said again that the only solution is two states , where Israelis and Palestinians each live in peace and security . In his words , " That is in Israel 's interest , Palestine 's interest , America 's interest and the world 's interest . "

  16. 奥巴马还要求双方达成两国解决方案。

    Obama also called on both sides to negotiate a two-state solution .

  17. 欧洲和阿拉伯国家警告称,以色列此举将违反国际法,并威胁到两国解决方案的任何希望。

    European and Arab countries have warned that Israel 's move would violate international law and threaten any hopes for a two-state solution .

  18. 阿拉伯国家以及支持巴勒斯坦人的各方必须认识到,只有通过一个两国解决方案并有一个安全的以色列,才能实现稳定。

    Arab states , and those who supported the Palestinians , must recognize that stability will only be served through a two-state solution and a secure Israel .

  19. 作为曾经的将军和战斗英雄,现在的党派首领,他还提出了两国解决方案。这一切让许多以色列人觉得,他似乎就是那位和平使者。

    A former general and war hero at the head of a party offering a two-state solution : to many Israelis , Mr Sharon looked like a peace-bringer .

  20. 当以色列领导人公开嘲笑美国的和平努力,而且一周又一周地蚕食巴勒斯坦土地,表现出对两国解决方案的蔑视时,巴勒斯坦方面凭什么要作出让步?

    Why should it move when the Israeli leader openly scorns US peace efforts and , week by week , shows contempt for the notion of two states by grabbing more Palestinian land ?

  21. 理论上来说,所有以色列主流政党都支持“两国解决方案”,而实际上,在约旦河西岸日益增加的现代正统派定居者带头体现了政府无止尽占领的政策。

    In theory , all Israeli mainstream parties are committed to a " two-state solution " ; in practice , the growing modern-Orthodox settler movement in the West Bank spearheads a government policy of occupation without end .

  22. 巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)昨日给出了上任以来最为明确的承诺,表示将在以色列和巴勒斯坦之间继续推行两国制解决方案。他把自己重塑美国与穆斯林世界关系的信息带到了土耳其。

    Barack Obama yesterday offered his clearest pledge since taking office to pursue a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians , as he took his message of remaking US relations with the Muslim world to Turkey .

  23. 我想要一个可持续的、和平的两国制解决方案。

    I want a sustainable , peaceful two-state solution .

  24. 他没有提及两国制解决方案。

    He did not mention the two-state solution .

  25. 一旦建议得到很多关注,这被称为一次两国制解决方案。

    Once suggestion has got a lot of attention , it 's called a two-state solution .

  26. 不过,无论两国制解决方案受到多大的威胁,也不管它实现的前景有多遥远,实际上并没有可行的替代方案。

    But however threatened the two-state solution , and however distant its prospects , there is no viable alternative .

  27. 然而中东所面临的问题是,留给两国制解决方案的时间已经不多了。

    The problem for the Middle East , however , is that time is running out on the two-state solution .

  28. 然后美国总统称他相信巴以两国的解决方案是可实现的,但是要求双方回到谈判桌上进行谈判。

    The US President then said he believes a two-state Israeli-Palestinian solution is achievable , but urged both sides to return to the negotiating table .

  29. 在这片充满不幸的狭长地带上所发生的死亡和毁灭,倘若能促使以美国为首的国际社会干预来挽救两国制解决方案,或许将是唯一照耀到加沙废墟的希望之光。

    Perhaps the only glimmer of hope radiating above the ruins of Gaza is that the death and destruction visited on this miserable sliver of land will prompt a more active US-led international intervention to rescue the two-state solution .

  30. 围绕中美两国间的双边方案来解决它们的多边失衡,是错误的做法。

    It is wrong to fixate on a bilateral solution between these two nations to address their multilateral imbalances .