
  1. 我们把这两个结合起来,得到V4除以V1等于V3除以。

    We can combine these two to see V2 that V4 over V1 must equal V3 over V2 .

  2. 体育教学俱乐部在教学组织与管理上形成了三个自主、两个结合、一个打破的体育教育新格局;

    And set a new pattern in teaching organization and management .

  3. 就像刚才问到的一样,可以把这两个结合起来。

    Now we can have , we mix the two together .

  4. 转变办学观念在两个结合中求生存谋发展

    Transforming School-running Conception and Seeking Survival and Development through Two Combinations

  5. 处于两个结合点上的地理教育学

    On Geography Pedagogy Situated at a Link between Two Subjects

  6. 浅谈钢琴教学的两个结合与三点重视

    Piano Teaching Principles : 2 combines and 3 points

  7. 用一条主线两个结合的思想指导课程建设

    Guiding the Course Construction by the Thinking of One Main Line and Two Combination

  8. 昨天早晨,我将两个结合起来。

    Yesterday morning , I combined the two .

  9. 分子由两个结合在一起的环组成。

    Having molecules consisting of two fused rings .

  10. 很多想法,不断涌动在他的头部,他几乎可以感受到他们推相互对抗,直到他们两个结合,以形成稳定的结合。

    Many ideas kept surging in his head ; he could almost feel them pushing against one another , until two of them combined to form a stable combination .

  11. 根据高职教育两年制数控技术专业培养目标的定位,提出了三个基础,两个结合,一条主线的课程构建思路。

    According to the two-year system the strategy of curriculum construction of NC technology are put forward as " three foundations , two unions , one master line " .

  12. 通常情况下,大多数软管组件有少于10ohms电阻是由两个结合内外线的连接设备实现充分的端至端电气连续性。

    Typically , most hose assemblies have full end-to-end electrical continuity with less than10ohms resistance that is achieved by bonding both the inner and outer wires to the end fittings .

  13. 本文提出网上教学设计的关键在于加强互动的观点,并结合电大开放教育试点货币银行学课程的具体实践,从一个中心、两个结合、三个原则等方面进行了具体阐述。

    This article argues that the key of teaching design on internet lies in interaction , then it discusses the teaching practice of " Economics of Money and Banking " with the guidance principles of " one center , two integrations , three principles " .

  14. 然而,在19世纪40年代,出于对农村教育不足以及儿童过度使用大脑可能导致神经紊乱的担忧,教育改革家,如霍勒斯·曼,将这两个日历结合了起来。

    In the 1840s , however , educational reformers like Horace Mann moved to combine the two calendars out of concern that rural schooling was not enough and that overusing of young minds could lead to nervous disorders .

  15. “Damn”是起源于拉丁文damnare,意思是“谴责“。God起源于北欧歌特。但是,我们是什么时候以及怎么把这两个词结合起来作为亵渎神明的言词呢?

    Goddamn Obviously a compound word of " God " and " damn . " " Damn " comes from Latin damnare which means " to condemn6 . " And God originated with Norse goth . But when and how did we put the two together as a blasphemy7 ?

  16. 把GIS与这两个模型结合起来进行快速地震灾害损失评估,能有效地减少地震后的工作强度并提高评估效率。

    Combining GIS with the two models , it is possible to do fast seismic assessment that can effectively reduce working strength and raise assessment efficiency .

  17. 结论HCV核心蛋白的N端含有两个DNA结合区,结合区序列与核内转移信号的部分重迭以及对结合靶DNA序列的非选择性可能是HCV核心蛋白具有多功能的基础。

    The binding regions of HCV core protein overlap its nucleus transfer signals and they bind to target DNA unselectively , suggesting a possible mechanism for its multifunction . The result provides basic data for understanding the biological function of HCV core protein .

  18. 从生产过程控制、包装两个方面结合本企业的实际生产经验,详细剖析了不同类型UHT奶常见质量问题,并提出了预防措施;

    From several aspects as production control , packaging , associated with practical production experience , common quality problems and related solving methods in production of UHT milk were put forward .

  19. 第5章主要论述企业物流成本的控制及核算方法,从局部控制和综合控制两个角度结合物流过程来分析物流成本的控制策略。

    Chapter 5 discusses the cost of logistics and its check .

  20. 这两个替代结合起来形成交互式替代。

    These two alternatives are combined to produce the intersected alternative .

  21. 现在是把两个世界结合起来的时候了。

    It is time to bring the two worlds together .

  22. 你甚至可以把两个点子结合起来,成为不一样的点子。

    You may even try combining two ideas into something different again .

  23. 关系代词也用来把两个句子结合起来。

    A relative pronoun is also used to join two sentences together .

  24. 这两个因素结合在一起,使这个问题无法解决。

    These two factors combined to make the problem insolvable .

  25. 当我们把这两个图结合在一起时,就可以找到这个问题的答案。

    The answer can be seen when we put the two diagrams together .

  26. 最后两个部分结合前面的理论分析,对所得税税式支出的实践进行探讨。

    The last two parts discusses the practice of the income tax expenditure .

  27. 加成反应表示两个分子结合生成一个分子的过程。

    Addition reactions involve two molecules joining together to form a single new molecule .

  28. 但是,我们是什么时候以及怎么把这两个词结合起来作为亵渎神明的言词呢?

    But when and how did we put the two together as a blasphemy ?

  29. 最简单的波动是两个分子结合形成缔合体。

    The simplest fluctuation is the conjunction of two molecules to form a complex .

  30. 将两个控制器结合起来,控制无人机编队飞行。

    The two controllers are combined to control the formation flight of the UAV .