
  1. 中国建银投资证券有限责任公司(ChinaJianyinInvestmentSecurities)分析师曾光表示,虽然全聚德和东来顺在中国北方地区家喻户晓,但它们在南方连锁店规模有限,知名度不太高。

    Zeng Guang , an analyst at China Jianyin Invest Securities , says that while Quanjude and Donglaishun are household names in northern China , they don 't have many chain stores in southern China and aren 't as widely known .

  2. 我知道东来顺的涮羊肉名扬四海。

    " Shuan Yangrou " of Dong-Lai-Shun is world renowned I know .

  3. 北京美食也是一绝:全聚德的北京烤鸭、东来顺的涮羊肉。

    Beijing cuisine is famous too , for example the Beijing Quanjude roast duck , the instant-boiled mutton of Peking Eastern House .

  4. 桂:纳桑先生,为了欢迎您再次来访,今天晚上,我想请您去东来顺吃涮羊肉。您知道,那是鲜羊肉在开水里涮就吃。

    Mr Masen , in honour of your second visit , I 'd like to invite you to have " Shuan Yangrou " at Dong-Lai-Shun Restaurant this evening , you know it is instant-boiled mutton .